My Ass Hurts!

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You mean you don't remember that classic 70's song?

Artist: William DeVaughn Lyrics

Song: Be Thankful for What You Got

Though you may not drive a great big Cadillac

Gangsta whitewalls

TV antennas in the back

You may not have a car at all

But remember brothers and sisters

You can still stand tall

Just be thankful for what you've got

Though you may not drive a great big Cadillac

Diamond in the back, sunroof top

Diggin' the scene

With a gangsta lean

Gangsta whitewalls

TV antennas in the back

You may not have a car at all

But remember brothers and sisters

You can still stand tall

Just be thankful for what you've got

Diamond in the back, sunroof top

Diggin the scene

With a gangsta lean, wooh-ooh-ooh

Diamond in the back, sunroof top

Diggin the scene

With a gangsta lean, wooh-ooh-ooh

Diamond in the back, sunroof top

Diggin' the scene

With a gangsta lean, wooh-ooh-ooh

Though you may not drive a great big Cadillac

Gangsta whitewalls

TV antennas in the back

You may not have a car at all

But remember brothers and sisters

You can still stand tall


I'm just picturing you stylin' down the hood with your feet up on the highway pegs, with a pimpin', gangsta lean... Maybe even sporting a purple helmet?

I had the same problem, but not because fo monkey butt, but because of the position I was in. I purhcased the Heli bar-backs and and it sits me up a bit straighter and my problems so far have gone away. I have ridden almost 400 miles at one time with this fix and it's good, but I don't know about 400+ miles.


Russell Day Long Saddle, no pressure point pain at all - and I am cursed with a bony butt. It is without a doubt the best seat I have ever ridden on...I can ride all day long :D

If you don't think 8 hours in the saddle can be comfortable, you're missing something boys.  17 hours after getting on, I had no, zero, nada butt burn with the Russell. 
I agree. I will replace my FJR's stock seat with a Russell ASAP, and will not consider another brand.

It will take a few thousand miles to break in a Russell, as well.

Bought one second hand for my K75 2 years ago, and it was excellent. After a ride-in for a rebuild, it was perfect.

There hasn't been any need for powder, bicycle shorts, beads, an Airhawk, or anything else - just a pair of jeans under an Aerostich, and a Russell seat.


4,674 miles in three days on a K75 with a Russell seat

My wife and I have have tried all the seats except Rick Mayer, The ONLY seat

we can use and ride as many miles as we want with no problem at all is the

Russell. And luckily we both felt the same about it.


Ok. after reading until my eyes bleed, I believe the Russell seat is the most comfortable seat.

Now, how adept is it for daily commuting back and forth to work and the store?


No problems commuting or trips to the store on the Russell. The only issues you may have are it's not the great hoon seat for hanging off and some people don't find it stylish. If you're running a top box, it can cause you to drag your toe across the seat during dismount due to the wider seat. Not a big deal, but something.

Another option you might try is a sheepskin butt pad from alaska leather. I have one and it made a big difference to the stock seat. Only $49 for the pilots seat. Something to check out and a lot less expensive than a seat upgrade. I was ready to try the new seat route but the pad changed my mind and my butt is happy all day. :agent:

@TWN - No, the 70's are a bit before I got into music. I'm more of an 80's child when it comes to music. I don't think Mom would let me buy LPs when I was 7. :p

as gay as it may sound, shave your ass and legs around where the seat hits. A SS1000 buddy told me this gem after i told him my ass was burning like crazy after a long-ish ride. He explained that he had the same problem and fond that it was his ass hairs getting pulled and ply'd by his underwear seams. he shaved, powdered and went on his way.

So I had him shave me :dribble:

j/k - I took the liberty myself and trimmed the hairs just down to stubble, and took a 5 hour ride. The difference was amazing!! It felt like I had not even been on the bike for 1 hour.

Steering this thread back on topic slightly...

I have to put in a plug for my Rich's saddle. I recently, within the last 60 days, completed a 48+ ride ending in Hyder, Alaska. We also included mileage to cover a 10/10ths or 10000 miles in ten days. I survived that ride on my Rich's saddle with no monkey butt, butt burn, or any other backend problems.

In addition I do remove hair (don't shave), wear wicking shorts, and use a talc based product to keep the lower end dry. I also stand up, stretch, and perform other gyrations and on bike calisthenics on a regular basis to help air out and keep circulation flowing.

The key is the custom seat. I found the OEM saddle to be good for 600-700 miles before my tail bone was sore.

YMMV and other disclaimers but all the above works for me on long days.

as gay as it may sound, shave your ass and legs around where the seat hits.  A SS1000 buddy told me this gem after i told him my ass was
Add to that the thread about how panty hose keeps you so much warmer on those cold rides! At first my wife liked the idea of getting involved in a male-dominated sport. But, she may start to be concerned if she hears this! :clap:

I don't understand how one can get a 'custom' seat suited to them when it has to be done by mail? Do the seat makers ask for measurments, weight, height, etc?

I have a Sheppy Hollow seat cover and I wear bicycle shorts under my riding pants. Last weekend I did a 850 km day and I had some bun burn. I wasn't intollerable and it was less than I had on only the stock seat after about 300 km so it is an improvement.


@Gypsy - Yes, that and pictures of you on your bike with feet on pegs, feet on the ground as a minimum. Add a butt shot from behind to show how your butt fits in the seat's "pocket". Trust me, they know how to make a seat from this and the rider weight, plus your input on what you don't like about the stock seat.

Take a read at the Russell order form: Order form link (pdf)
