New developments!
So while waiting patiently for the 2023 MT10 models to arrive, I started doing research for the essential aftermarket luggage offerings. In addition to side cases, I will need a strong, beefy top rack to hold the aux fuel cell. It soon became apparent this was a big problem on the Gen II MT10s (2022-2023). On the first gen models (2016-2021), I could have my pick of luggage rack systems from GIVI, Shad, Hepco&Becker, etc.
But not for the Gen II bikes! Why is that? My research revealed a truly bummer decision by Yamaha regarding the newer MT10s.
Below is the 2016-2021 rear subframe for the MT10. Red arrows point to four strong mounting lugs welded into the frame, all the aftermarket systems rely on these 4 hard mounting points:
Below in the 2022-2023 MT rear subframe... Yamaha has removed these mounting points altogether!
I decided to change gears immediately, and go on the hunt for the latest year Gen I MT10 I could find, hopefully one with low low miles.
I never, ever buy used bikes, so this was nerve-wracking until I found a true
SCORE: a barely used 2021 MT10 with only 1535 miles on it, it was a trade in at ProCaliber Motorsports in Bend, OR, only 240 miles south of me. Bike had a killer price on it because it's been collecting dust since last summer: $10,800. Oof! I got ahold of Doug Chapman, he and his wife Linda met me in Bend with their bike trailer, and we towed this beast back to my garage:
And now... the Winter of Farkeling begins! And the S1000XR in the far corner gets placed on the market asap!
I will start a new thread when I am ready to start transitioning this bike to be my new Long Distance Desert Runner!