Were on our second healer here, 1st one was a pound dog someone else did not want, She went by the name of Bob E. Dogg. Got her when my son was 2, she was already full grown and already had pups. She was so mean when we first got her she would try to bite her own leg if it twitched at night. Almost took her back to the pound when she bit me the second time. The thing that saved her was how much she loved the boy, would'nt let anything get to close or move to fast around him, she'd actually herd him back to the yard if he strayed into the orchard a little. The boy loved her so much at by the time he was 17 he would'nt let me have her put down when she got sick and could'nt walk anymore. He fed her by hand and carried her in and out of the house hoping she would bet better. The boy has not had to deal with too much sorrow in his life except for the dog. He refused to let me take her to the vet and put her down, did it himself, would'nt even let me go. Talked to the vet later and found out that he stood byand held her scratching her ears as she went off to sleep. The boy did'nt have much to say for about a week or so. Then he reminded me what I told him somewhere along the way " When you get a dog it's yours for as long as it lives and you belong to it for as long as it lives." Our second healer Rusty, a Red Merle came from an employees friend. Bonded with the boy from the first day. Has already cost us $1200.00 for a real bad laceration on a front leg, the boy paid it with his savings without a second thought. The boy's gone to college now, but man you should see them when he comes home for a few days now and then, the kid really loves that dog.
1 healer = quite a handful
2 healers = 2 big handfuls
3 or more healers = land pirahnas, will chew the tires of your vehicles, lawnmowers, wheelbarrows, etc. etc.. :crazy:
By the way, the laceration on Rusty's leg happened while chasing one of our 5 cats. the dog just loves to chase them down, pin them, and bark at them.