My First Farkles

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May 11, 2012
Reaction score
Well, I've had the FJR for about a week, so I decided it was time to modify it. :clapping:

I knew I wanted more storage for the trips for the wife and I, so I added a Givi E55 Tech topcase



While the case was in transit to me, I realized that I really hated my Helmet Guardian mounted so low on the bike, with two helmets on there, they were too close to the exhaust for me. So, I ordered the optional top rack and welded the Guardian to it.



I took the opportunity to re-key the locks to my ignition key (Thanks Harald!) and got it all bolted up.




I'll get some pics later with both helmets, but this keeps them up and away from things (the ground, exhaust, etc).



Now I just gotta pack for this weekends trip. :yahoo:


Nicely done! Have fun with her, but watch out for knuckleheads this weekend!!

Well, I've had the FJR for about a week, so I decided it was time to modify it. :clapping:

I knew I wanted more storage for the trips for the wife and I, so I added a Givi E55 Tech topcase


While the case was in transit to me, I realized that I really hated my Helmet Guardian mounted so low on the bike, with two helmets on there, they were too close to the exhaust for me. So, I ordered the optional top rack and welded the Guardian to it.
Nice looking setup. It's obviously the camera angle, but that case looks HUGE from the rear.

I'm glad you posted about the optional top rack because I've thought about adding such an animal to my OEM case to allow jacket lines to be strapped on when I'm 2up with the wife. This rack might be the ticket.

Good to see my rekey instructions helped someone. I sure love when guys post "how to's" with pictures because it sure makes jobs go quicker and easier!

When I have some more free time gonna have to lookup that rekey how to myself. The locksmiths won't come near my bike. I'm like look I'll remove the lock cylinder! "we don't work on bikes". Agggghghh!

When I have some more free time gonna have to lookup that rekey how to myself. The locksmiths won't come near my bike. I'm like look I'll remove the lock cylinder! "we don't work on bikes". Agggghghh!

Haralds link is in the FAQ. It's super simple and doesn't take but a few minutes. One less key to lug around. Until I added the Givi key of course. I wonder if anyone has tried to key it to an FJR ignition key?


Nice, but if the SO leans back do the locks poke her in the back? Or was that the idea? :rolleyes:

LOL, no not at all. The locks are much too far back to come close to hitting her. I toyed with the idea of the backrest for her, but it really looks like it would push her too far forward. The padding in her jacket does a fine job of cushioning her back.


Anyone know if the mounting racks fit 2012 FJR's? doesnt even have options for bikes newer than '09 from what I can see.
