My Friend's Final Ride...

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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FJR Flyer

DC Commuter Commando
FJR Supporter
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
It is truly a sad day. My friend, Tim Halpin, was killed today on his ride to work on I-95 in Virginia. Tim was also a daily bike commuter and I got to know him over the last couple years as we'd wait in the morning for the FAA garage to open. He always got there early and would enjoy a cigar and listen to the radio. I'd pull up and we'd talk until the guard opened up the garage. As usual, we talked yesterday. He just scored a great deal on a jacket.

He was a retired controller, former professional pilot and a dedicated rider. He was just about to hit the 300K mile mark on his LT1100. He just received his 500K Mile Medallion from BMW. He's ridden just about everywhere across the country. In his younger days, he'd load up his BMW sidecar rig with his wife and daughter and head out for a couple weeks of camping. He was having a Baby Ace airplane refurbished in Georgia. Sadly, he never got to fly it.

Witnesses say he "fell off" his bike. This news story says he lost control. It was raining this morning, but nothing Tim couldn't handle. Hell, he's ridden in snow storms. He was a conservative rider. I think he may have had a medical issue, heart attack, perhaps, and if there was mercy in this world, he was gone before he hit the ground.

He was a great guy, always nice to everyone. He was a Husband, Father, and Grandfather. I'll miss our morning chats.

Ride well, Tim.


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Unfortunately, I'm at an age where old friends are starting to disappear - so far no riding buddies.

Sorry to hear of Tim's death, at least he was doing what he enjoyed.


I'm sorry to hear this news about your friend. May he rest in peace.

It is always sad and depressing to hear this kind of news, most of us that choose to ride are aware stuff happens.

so sorry to hear

as an aside, if he was a Veteran, consider suggesting PGR participation at this services to his family

I can hook you up upon request

condolences to a fellow rider's family and friends,


in Nawlins'

It sounds like he lived a full and rich life which is what we all hope to do this go around... condolences on the loss to friends and family but I hope you are able to quiet the grief in your hearts and maybe feel him there with you... just in a different way.

Not to sound callous or insensitive, but if I had a choice in how to make my exit, the way Tim left would be high on my list. As Tyler said, sounds like he lived a rich and full life. But it always hurts a ton to lose a good friend or family member. His friends and family are fortunate to be left with great memories of him. RIP Tim.

I am sorry for your loss. I am sure that he would appreciate that his friend would share his grief with a large group of fellow motorcyclists. I believe he would be proud to see the many responses from his fellow riders.

Perhaps you could smoke a cigar in his honor every so often in the morning while waiting for that gate to open. Wherever he is, your friend might just be able to catch a whiff of the smoke.
