My Least Expensive Farkle

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Maybe if you put white out over your ENTIRE speedometer you would have a nice excuse for doing triple digits, but youd need a really crafty reason for it being there. (by accident of coarse) :innocent: like: I was filling out the paperwork for my state taxes.."scaugh" "caugh" whilst i was sitting on my bike...

Also isnt it safe to say that it really doent matter how fast you are going if your needle is poiting past vertical? i mean 130 mph is redicluous enough. Especially if you get pulled over, i doubt a cop will EVER say well i pulled you over because i thought you were doing 150 but my radar gun said you were only doing 145 so ill let you off witha warning.

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So, as a "maturing" (and therefore increasingly crabby :angry: ) Baby Boomer, one of my beefs with designers of merchandise that carries words or numbers (take cell phones, for example) is the illegibility of the information--I can't read it! (This will change, BTW, as the Boomers dominate the world in the next two decades.)
But in the mean time we have to cope as best we can. With regard to the illegible size of the numbers on the speedometer of the FJR, which I cannot for the life of me read, particularly when cruising down the freeway (at the speed limit, natch), I have found an inexpensive and quick solution: White-Out.

I have put a dab of White-Out on the outter nacelle (I just wanted to use that word) at 60, 80, 100, and 120 (photo). These four points give me all the information I need at a glance for my typical riding situations (though of course I never need the dots >80, because that would be over the speed limit :rolleyes: ).


Anyone else got a funky farkle to share (no turds please; if that's what you want, here's where you belong: Click :lol: )?

Got some bad news for you, that's the tacho! Ha! blind old fool!

Edit That came out wrong!!!! I have the same trouble, good idea, as is the one below.

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To those with perfect vision....your day will come sooner than you think.....I use the same process only I use 1/16" pinstriping tape to mark the major MPH...stays water proof and almost looks factory

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I have anything but perfect vision, deteriorated over the last 5 years or so from 20-20. Very frustrating. What I meant above was that I had misread not JB. No offence intended.

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120 mph? I dont know how you guys do it?? I always read about it on its no big thing. "Yea I tested out the tires, they were pretty good up to 125mph." "The rear trunk box performed really well all the way up to 110 mph." "That windshield is great although there was some wind buffeting at about 130mph."

I have been over 110mph one time on this bike in the middle of West Virgina on a closed highway and for weeks i was paranoid i was going to get a ticket in the mail...or there was a hidden speed camera somewhere. If i get that ticket in Virginia...I'm going to jail...I may lose the bike...I'll def lose my job since it requires that I fiance' will leave me without a job...I wont be able to pay to get the bike back...the bank will take my home...etc.

So pretty much I'd be living in the basement of my parents home, alone, with no bike and no job. And my only form of entertainment would be browsing FJR Forum and reading about some dude who puts a white out mark at 120MPH...

The biggest distraction for me on the road is constantly scanning for cops...if i wasnt worried about that...Id be much safer!

(oh yea...yesterday...74 in a 55...damn it!)

Get some Lasik, glasses, something! You got to be kidding right?! If you can't see or recognize the speedo numbers, you shouldn't be on a bike!
Obviously under 40, JB. One of them rare young-uns riding the FJR. :dribble: Give him a few years to "mature" and he, like most grasshoppers will comprehend! :assassin:


The FJR has a speedometer?

Which side? :blink:

Hey Drew........ the Grip on the right side handlebar. TWIST IT, WIMP! :rolleyes:

2nd EOM, Sept '03. Eastbound on (I believe) RT64 in VA. 144mph indicated. I slowed to 90, and 4 more FJR's whizzed past me.

That's all I have to say about VA.
