My Luck

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Aug 7, 2010
Reaction score
Ross, Ohio
I figured that I would give the new Bridgestones BT023 GT's a try. Soooooo, I spent the better part of Saturday afternoon installing them at a buds house, buttoned everything back up and off I went home. Well, Sunday afternoon was nice, so off I went to scrub in the new shoes. I return home, grab a beer and look down at the rear tire and sure enough, a bright shiney large staple sticking out of the new rear tire. I'm sure there are many different opinions on this, but I can't live with a repaired tire. New one is being shipped as we speak. That's a new record for me...34 miles and new rubber needed.

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Man...Must be nice to be rich. Nothing wrong with a fixed tire...Just so long as the hole's not in the sidewall.
Sorry folks, just venting on all the work and cost involved. I don't want to come off as someone that does not approve of repairing tires, it's just something that I can not live with. I would never think less of another person for making that choice. I'm just buying my own peace of mind.

Man...Must be nice to be rich. Nothing wrong with a fixed tire...Just so long as the hole's not in the sidewall.
Sorry folks, just venting on all the work and cost involved. I don't want to come off as someone that does not approve of repairing tires, it's just something that I can not live with. I would never think less of another person for making that choice. I'm just buying my own peace of mind.
Awwwwwwww...Don't stress me. I'm just giving you Hell. If you can't live with it, then it has not place on your bike. There's other stuff I stress about that others here screw with me about. Figure your life is worth more than $130. Right??

Do you still have that first tire? Wanna ship it to NM?? :p

Well, since the old tire is spoken for, send me the staple. I've got some taxes to mail off. :thumbsdownsmileyanim:

Well, seeing is believing.

Back in 2005 I had a friend get a nail on the bottom of his tire during an Ohio Ramble. watched him repair it, then immediately ride 120 more curvy, hilly roads that day, with nary a complaint. Then 400 miles back home the next day.

Back in 2007, another friend finds a nail in his tire just before a Hooterville 400. Fixes the flat, rides the whole 400 mile curvy route.

So, seeing is believing. I've seen it. I believe it.

I'm way too cheap to not plug one. Sticky string in a back tood for 3000 more trouble free miles. Front might be different.

As long as it's a round hole and not a cut, and not in the sidewall, plugging is not a problem at all. I would have had to buy 9 tires in the time I've had my bike, rather than the 4 I've purchased.

Yes, that's sometimes multiple plugs per tire. Good math, guys!

Anyone ever patch one of these from the inside?

Good? Bad? Easy?
I have. The biggie is you have to use a lot of cement, at least on my rear PR2. I didn't use enough the first time and had to do it again before it didn't leak. You have to partly pull off the tire, but hey, I have a No-Mar changer, so might as well use it. I did have my RZ-350 spit out a plug mid-corner (NOT fun!) but I'm pretty sure it was low on air and running hot enough to melt the cement.

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Sorry folks, I have promised the tire to one of my local riding buds. I'm starting to get a number of pms, so I figured I would post up.
