My Side Bag Was Jacked!

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Did not realize that was "your" bike when I was stealing your bag. I will put it back tonight. It will be there in the morning when you wake up.

Sorry dude. Didn't realize you were a forum member.

This problem is covered under item #16 of New owners read this!, and is also the #1 item on the "New Bike Checklist" of the Bin-O-Facts for both generations.

Just a reminder there is a LOT of good info laid out for the new '08 owners to read, and hopefully head off problems *before* your bag does a Houdini.

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I've got it! I took it because it was left unlocked when you took the helmet out. I will sell it back to you for $200. Now thats a good deal. Simply forward a cashiers check to Jax FL made out to me. Once the check clears I'll probably send you the bag. Oh yeah, I may have dropped it once or twice during transport back here....Sorry. No really dude that sucks. Try looking on Ebay for one thats being parted out.

Damn! Came home from work, parked the bike for 40 minutes; when I came back out, the left side hard bag was missing.

Thoughts rushing through my head:

When I got off work to head home and when I took my helmet out of the bag, did I close the bag and lock it back up properly? (The key stays in the lock until lock and latches are in place and engaged)

Did it drop off on my way home from work? (I think I would have heard it fall off or at least horns going off from cars behind me; would have noticed when I got off the bike)

Did someone literally rip it off the brackets? (No visible damage; plastic, aluminium brackets, and rubber posts seem ok)

Did a neighbor/someone run into bike/bag, knock it off it's bracket, and confiscated it to hide evidence? (No forensic evidence - plastic chips from bag, tire marks, scracthes on bike, or witnesses - However, I think this is the most likely answer)

I've read in a past post that bags have actually come loose from brackets after hitting large bumps and/or railroad tracks....

I guess it could have been worse... I could have dumped/dropped the bike...

Just wondering how much a replacement bag w/matching lock will set me back; I'm thinking around $600 (2008 A model).

P.S. I did file a police report. My insurance deductable is $250.

Thanks for listening.

Sorry about your mishap or missing bag. If someone stole it that just sucks.

This may become a controversial subject.

I had my list of stuff to check on the new bike last Saturday. The mechanic that did the check with me on the '08 mentioned the licktight on the bag locks. He said that on many models some plastic part (he said what it was) was too thick and only left a thread or so to be lick tighted. So, he built a gadget from razor blade and ?? (I can't recall) and uses that to twist it and take away some of the plastic so there are more threads exposed. I asked if he had to do that on my bike and he said no, it didn't need it, there were plenty of threads exposed for a secure hold. I rode about 300 miles yesterday and checked the bags at numerous stops and checked in the rear view mirror when hitting any large bumps. Everything held up fine. When I got home I checked the mechanism and all seems fine.

I lost a bag on a BMW a couple of decades ago-was lucky enough to hear it fall off as it contained my passport and bike info. When I got my 04 FJR in 03, I read a thread about losing bags and a way to lock them on the bike with a spring clip on the front retainer tang, works great. Ian, Iowa

Damn! Came home from work, parked the bike for 40 minutes; when I came back out, the left side hard bag was missing.

Thoughts rushing through my head:

When I got off work to head home and when I took my helmet out of the bag, did I close the bag and lock it back up properly? (The key stays in the lock until lock and latches are in place and engaged)

Did it drop off on my way home from work? (I think I would have heard it fall off or at least horns going off from cars behind me; would have noticed when I got off the bike)

Did someone literally rip it off the brackets? (No visible damage; plastic, aluminium brackets, and rubber posts seem ok)

Did a neighbor/someone run into bike/bag, knock it off it's bracket, and confiscated it to hide evidence? (No forensic evidence - plastic chips from bag, tire marks, scracthes on bike, or witnesses - However, I think this is the most likely answer)

I've read in a past post that bags have actually come loose from brackets after hitting large bumps and/or railroad tracks....

I guess it could have been worse... I could have dumped/dropped the bike...

Just wondering how much a replacement bag w/matching lock will set me back; I'm thinking around $600 (2008 A model).

P.S. I did file a police report. My insurance deductable is $250.

Thanks for listening.

$600 for the bag. Not sure about the lock. Don't forget to order the reflector for the side of the bag, it doesn't come with it. It's a $15 item. Don't ask how I know all this, it's a painful story involving my wife, her van, and superhuman self control on my part. :angry2:

Don't forget to order the reflector for the side of the bag, it doesn't come with it. It's a $15 item. Don't ask how I know all this, it's a painful story involving my wife, her van, and superhuman self control on my part. :angry2:
pssst... I'm not sure about the years involved, but my reflectors were replaced under a yamaha recall - something about them falling off over time.

This problem is covered under item #16 of New owners read this!, and is also the #1 item on the "New Bike Checklist" of the Bin-O-Facts for both generations.
Just a reminder there is a LOT of good info laid out for the new '08 owners to read, and hopefully head off problems *before* your bag does a Houdini.


You gotta know as members of the male species....we read the instructions after we assemble that home entertainment center! :rolleyes:


Went looking for missing bag a day later: ziltch, nada, nothing. Nothing along the roads, freeway, center dividers, streets... :(

20 mile trip one way from work to home.

Ordered a new bag from the dealer:

Case: $608.99

Lid Protector (Side Rubber Strip): $40.99

Reflector: $15.99

California Tax: 8.25%

Dealer was sympathetic - he gave me a 10% discount - above is MSRP; I guess it's some consolation... :huh:

Going to use my insurance policy on this one - just too much $$$.

Gotta go back to the dealer - if insurance is gonna cover, might as well order a new lock too... but I'll use the one that came with the new bike just to keep the locks the same...

Thanks for input and levity..........


Gotta go back to the dealer - if insurance is gonna cover, might as well order a new lock too... but I'll use the one that came with the new bike just to keep the locks the same...
A locksmith can make it match, and insurance will probably cover that, too....
