my stupid complacent mistake

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I've dropped my '06 a couple of times and can report that the technique of lifting the bile by backing up to it while holding the handle bar in one hand and the passenger grab rail in the other, works very well and with not too much effort. I also always mount the bike BEFORE rolling it off of the centerstand. Using the front brake to control the rate of descent works well.


I feel your pain brother. I did something similar with mine, but it was in the parking lot at work. Came to a full stop, went to back in, didn't realize I put my foot down right on some finely crushed gravel strategically placed by the motorcycle parking area and down she went. Mirror took the worst of it, sidebag a little. My adrenaline must have been pumping pretty good, because after trying to pick it up like I was picking up a cruiser (no luck), I just squatted down, grabbed the handlebars and lifted with my legs, moving my big ass underneath her as she was on her way up (that's a softball for you wise-guys).

Haven't done anything about the scratches yet, not sure if I will???

If you're a short fooker like me, there is absolutely no way of rocking the bike off of the center stand. I always stand on the left side of the bike with the sidestand down. Keeping the handlebars turned just slightly to the left, I ease it off of the centerstand. Has always been very easy and have never had (knock on wood) any problems. I keep it in gear, just so it doesn't decide to roll off on it's own.

Sorry you dropped her, that sucks. It is easy to do though when you're overtired and not focusing. Almost been there, almost done that!

IF you will just stick her over in front wheel drive, then ease her up like that rite thar, then that'll work for ye! Otherwise you'll probably be on here bitchin' about what a "top heavy" bike the FJR is (not) and what a dip shit you feel like after the fookup. Did ye copy that?

Meeself,I always mount up before I roll it off the centerstand. Otherwise, if it starts to lean away from you it's all over.. Learned that years ago when I threw my big Sazook against my pickup truck.
Yep. :clapping:
Kinda glad to hear I wasn't the only guy to throw in my case, medium Sazook, into an adjacent vehicle. I managed to drop the bike on a failed attempt to get it up on the center stand. Took $250 worth of Dent Wizard to remove my ass-print from the door of a two month old Mazda 3. I no longer straddle the bike when raising it on the center stand. <_<

You have much more control over the bike if your in the saddle when you take it off the stand. You don't have to be tall ... if your tall enough to sit on the thing at a stop-light your tall enough. Just rock forward, the front wheel will come down and ride it forward off the stand ... use the front break to just let it down or the clutch to roll forward a foot or so ... you have much more control.

Do you have sliders? I managed a near stationary drop when mine was new, and got away with only a small bruise on the slider ... maybe I was just lucky. At any rate I feel for you for denting your baby, but its only money to fix her back to new.

OP, welcome to the "drop-in-the-driveway club" :(

It sounds like you saved it pretty well, though?

I dropped my baby on the second day by doing something similar to you, however I messed up my stator-cap, and scratched the side fairing a bit (I didn't have my cases on at the time).

It is probably easier for a guy to pick them up.We pick up the Harley's and they are 200 lbs heavier. It is in the technique, not the strength.
I can't pick mine up. I just recruit some help.
Yeah, All you need to do to get it up, is a squat technique where you place yourself right around the tank, ala "Ride Like a Pro" DVD. Once you get the technique down, you'll realize that it doesn't take that much force to get her up again. It's all about LEVERAGE

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I've dropped my '06 a couple of times and can report that the technique of lifting the bile by backing up to it while holding the handle bar in one hand and the passenger grab rail in the other, works very well and with not too much effort. I also always mount the bike BEFORE rolling it off of the centerstand. Using the front brake to control the rate of descent works well.-Greg-

Top Heavy? Whoa! Ever picked up a Concours? Or an ST?
Unfortunately I did drop my 06 Concours. I let out the clutch thinking it was neutral and it lurched forward just enough to get my feet behind me. Tipped on to the center stand step and didn't hurt anything but my ego. I vaguely remember the weight of picking up it came up so fast while I was trying to correct my screw up before anybody had a chance to see my smooth move.

It is probably easier for a guy to pick them up.We pick up the Harley's and they are 200 lbs heavier. It is in the technique, not the strength.
I can't pick mine up. I just recruit some help.
Yeah, All you need to do to get it up, is a squat technique where you place yourself right around the tank, ala "Ride Like a Pro" DVD. Once you get the technique down, you'll realize that it doesn't take that much force to get her up again. It's all about LEVERAGE
Thanks. Bad back.

First off the bike seems to be top heavy because Yamaha wanted it to have at least some cornering clearance. To do this it needs to be narrow at the bottom so the engine needs to be mounted higher up. If you don't want to turn, keep it wide an low like the cruisers.

When I take it off the centerstand (which is every time I take it out of the garage) I stand on the left, turn the handlebars to the right and give a good push forward. When the bike moves forward the front wheel will go right which causes the bike to lean slightly toward me (left). No sidestand. I have forgotten the sidestand down when taking it off the centerstand and when the suspension compressed the sidestand hit the floor hard and the bike wanted to go right. Severe pucker factor. I understand those that use the sidestand bring it down slowly by using the front brake so the suspention doesn't compress, but it's not my cup of tea after my event.

Technically, the bike is only top heavy when it's standing up right.
After you drop it it's more side heavy... :rolleyes:

I prefer the top heavy mode...
Fred you owe me a new keyboard, I just spit ginger ale all over this one, I'm sure its not gonna work in the morning now!!!

Dropped my FZR6 first time I was taking it off the center stand. Cracked the fairing as I went over with the bike trying to hold on to it. First thing I did when I got the FJR was to put on sliders.

Sorry to hear about your drop. I think we all have done it or will at sometime.


Dropped my FZR6 first time I was taking it off the center stand. Cracked the fairing as I went over with the bike trying to hold on to it. First thing I did when I got the FJR was to put on sliders.
Sorry to hear about your drop. I think we all have done it or will at sometime.

Put a set of T-Rex Sliders on my '04 last Fall. Two days ago, stopped at an intersection . . . Audi R7 SUV cuts the corner too sharp . . . . hits me in the front end . . . . bike knocked on left side . . . I'm thrown off (banged up knee, but nothin' else) . . . left side case scuffed up, engine case scuffed, front fender scuffed, forks are a wreck BUT, the mirror didn't break and there's not a mark on the fairing! Must have been the adreneline or the Mt. Dew, cause I picked the bike up in a flash.

Dropped my FZR6 first time I was taking it off the center stand. Cracked the fairing as I went over with the bike trying to hold on to it. First thing I did when I got the FJR was to put on sliders.
Sorry to hear about your drop. I think we all have done it or will at sometime.

Put a set of T-Rex Sliders on my '04 last Fall. Two days ago, stopped at an intersection . . . Audi R7 SUV cuts the corner too sharp . . . . hits me in the front end . . . . bike knocked on left side . . . I'm thrown off (banged up knee, but nothin' else) . . . left side case scuffed up, engine case scuffed, front fender scuffed, forks are a wreck BUT, the mirror didn't break and there's not a mark on the fairing! Must have been the adreneline or the Mt. Dew, cause I picked the bike up in a flash.

Dropped my FZR6 first time I was taking it off the center stand. Cracked the fairing as I went over with the bike trying to hold on to it. First thing I did when I got the FJR was to put on sliders.
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