After reading this thread, and the other on fjriders, I have newly-found respect for those that plan, schedule, host, and put their personal CC's at risk to make these events happen. Sure, 150 hurts the wallet. Sure, some 'homegrown' flavor is lost on the 'bigger' events. Yes, they probably might could be done cheaper. Yes, transparency is a good thing - to a point.
My tolerance is very high for peeps that spend their time, money, and energy to present events that all I have to do is freakin show up with my incredible good looks, clean bike, and thirst. If I had the time, I would be all over NAFO, 150 or not. Hell, I could steal then, uhh, 'lease' two of BustaNuts finest sheep and earn 150 easy... (Fred, Thanks for bringing this topic up in a solid, fair, and even manner - well worth the discussion)
Jes sayin'.
Hugs n Kisses