Need a source for the real 'Magnum Blasters'

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Not the same package/horns.....
Did you confirm that with them? It's where I got mine. They came in a small cardboard box wrapped in newspaper. The fancy packaged models were 14.99 each at Kragen, but the horns are identical.

My other ride has twin air bugles (visible in the bumper) that will make your ears bleed. Some cars don't hear them until I'm occupying their whole rear view mirror. Don't count on horns, no matter how loud they are.


After checking the italian site, I got the TM-80's and not the TM-80 Magnums. Only 3db less, and a slightly different tone, but boy they put out some volume. :good:

The site mentioned above are the real thing for the Blasters, as they come in many different packaging styles. Just don't get caught with the chrome variety. ;)

My other ride has twin air bugles (visible in the bumper) that will make your ears bleed. Some cars don't hear them until I'm occupying their whole rear view mirror. Don't count on horns, no matter how loud they are.
This is where my restraint level might get the better of me. I would be sorely tempted to just run them over. :D

Cool picture Mr. Cutter. I could use one of those in rush hour. PM. <>< :D

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This is where my restraint level might get the better of me. I would be sorely tempted to just run them over. :D

But I bet the same idiots that cant' hear the air horns can't see the big white truck with the flashing lights, either! <G>

You must have a lot of self control, but way better you than me... I woulda been in jail the first time I went on a run! :(


Well, you can't blame them for listening to their newest CD while talking on the cell phone and reading the CD cover to their friend, can you?

The most exciting part is probably when they finally see you, then slam on thier brakes to pull to the right. Now THAT'S gotta be interesting! You godda lotta patience and understanding, TC. Or you all must shake your heads in disbelief at what constitutes a "licensed driver".

Not recommended. A set of these and a mechanical siren is why "HUH" is my most frequently used word. I do however get to listen to ringing all day long... for free.

Not recommended. A set of these and a mechanical siren is why "HUH" is my most frequently used word.  I do however get to listen to ringing all day long... for free.
I don't hear ya, you'll have to speak up. 23 years plus of exposure has got the ring volume up pretty good.

The most exciting part is probably when they finally see you, then slam on thier brakes to pull to the right. Now THAT'S gotta be interesting! You godda lotta patience and understanding, TC. Or you all must shake your heads in disbelief at what constitutes a "licensed driver".
I haven't rear-ended one yet, but not because I'm good. Mostly luck and they realize abruptly stopping would get them squished.

The two guys up front yelling relieves most of the stress. Since the drivers can't hear what we're saying, anything goes...

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Not the same package/horns.....
Did you confirm that with them? It's where I got mine. They came in a small cardboard box wrapped in newspaper. The fancy packaged models were 14.99 each at Kragen, but the horns are identical.

My other ride has twin air bugles (visible in the bumper) that will make your ears bleed. Some cars don't hear them until I'm occupying their whole rear view mirror. Don't count on horns, no matter how loud they are.

Toecutter, That reminds me of when I used to drive truck. I had my own rig for several years and couldn't belive how some people couldn't hear the horns, I found an answer with a friend who worked on the railroad... yep train horns! Though I eventually had to remove 'em (to loud, illegall in several states I was told)

I found an answer with a friend who worked on the railroad... yep train horns! Though I eventually had to remove 'em (to loud, illegall in several states I was told)
I'm sure my fire engine horns would be illegal on anything else as well.

Train horns are even louder, me thinks...Since trains can't stop very well.

Y'all may want to check out the following:
RideSafer Motorcycle Safety Products
Thanks for the link!

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Just ordered the horns and reflective tape from the Ridesafe site.  I'll let you know how the horns work - if I get 'em on before GLFJR - they look like they put out somewhere between stock and MB level noise and "should" fit with little trouble or danger of getting whacked by my MCL fork brace.
So you got the stock-looking ones? I'd be afraid they'd sound like a Toyota on steroids. Let us know.

Yesterday, I made an interesting discovery at a crowded Costco gas station. The horn button is in the same spot on the left as the starter button is on the right. Doh! Only the people closest to me had an idea of who it was. A motorcycle doesn't sound like that. :D

Well, 134db isn't 139, but it outta be good enough and will ensure I don't whack the horns w/fork brace. Heck, an air raid siren at 1m is 130db, sometimes an 80% solution is good enough!

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Yesterday, I made an interesting discovery at a crowded Costco gas station. The horn button is in the same spot on the left as the starter button is on the right. Doh! Only the people closest to me had an idea of who it was. A motorcycle doesn't sound like that. :D
I wonder how good of a thing that is. I demo'd my MB's to someone a while ago. While impressed, he mentioned that he'd be looking for a car if he heard that. I don't want to be discounted as the source when it really counts.

On another demonstration occasion while commuting home on the freeway splitting lanes at about 15mph, some idiot dropped a lit cigarette out his window. Just as I was next to his window and just as the cigarette hit the pavement, I demo'd my MB's to him. He jumped and hit the roof of his car. :devil:

... some idiot dropped a lit cigarette out his window. Just as I was next to his window and just as the cigarette hit the pavement, I demo'd my MB's to him. He jumped and hit the roof of his car.  :devil:
Sounds like the demo went very well :D

Just ordered the horns and reflective tape from the Ridesafe site. I'll let you know how the horns work - if I get 'em on before GLFJR - they look like they put out somewhere between stock and MB level noise and "should" fit with little trouble or danger of getting whacked by my MCL fork brace.
In case you're wondering those horns sound European. like an old Mercedes. I like the sound of them, and you don't need HD wiring to get full volume out of them.

They sound louder than the FIAMM freeway blasters.

You're assumption is correct on the output. But they are SOOO nicely annoying. ;)

As long as they don't sound French - heck, if that was the case you'd blow the horn and scare the crap outta yourself! :eek:

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