Need a Sr. Windows Systems Admin

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formerly Renegade, get used to it.
Jul 6, 2006
Reaction score
Trenton, OH
Yes, I know this isn't but hiring like-minded individuals has it's advantages.

With that, I'm now looking for a Sr. Windows/Network Systems Admin.

Loctation: Mason, OH

This person will be responsible for day-to-day Windows support and networking in an office of ~120.

We have 3 remote locations (small offices) but will open more this year.

MS Certfied individuals are preferred since this is the top of two such positions. As this is the top position you'll also have a Jr. guy reporting to you that you can dump all the stuff you don't want to do on.

We provide excellent bennies, Anthem's top healthcare plan completely paid for, 100%, and we're close to some good riding.

Looking for someone that's been around the block a few times, has some Cisco experience, as well as Linux and Solaris if possible, though the latter two are not as high a priority.

If you're interested, or know someone that's qualified, PM me and I can get you the details. This job isn't formally posted anywhere yet.


It's too bad you're not closer to a beach somewhere. You keep posting interesting stuff I'd look into. But Ohio is out of the question.

Tele-commute? :blink:

It's too bad you're not closer to a beach somewhere. You keep posting interesting stuff I'd look into. But Ohio is out of the question.
Tele-commute? :blink:
We have a beach:

are across the highway from:

While we probably won't put together a relo package, I'm sure I could work something out for the right person :)


P.S. This would be a great job for slappy but he's already moved once this year :/

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It's too bad you're not closer to a beach somewhere. You keep posting interesting stuff I'd look into. But Ohio is out of the question.
Tele-commute? :blink:

there is SE Ohio for riding...or WV for even more riding. Who needs a beach when you got ROADS.

Just a thought. Why not out source your job after all there are no qualified candiates in the usa,so I have been told.

profit profit profit

It's too bad you're not closer to a beach somewhere. You keep posting interesting stuff I'd look into. But Ohio is out of the question.
Tele-commute? :blink:

there is SE Ohio for riding...or WV for even more riding. Who needs a beach when you got ROADS.
Well, the beach was more a climate reference. See, there's those 3 months or so up there where water turns crystalline, right there outside, without refrigeration! Can't stand it!

Besides, can't take the missus so far from her kin down here. I'd end up going up by myself, and I rather enjoy being around her!

Yes, I know this isn't but hiring like-minded individuals has it's advantages.
With that, I'm now looking for a Sr. Windows/Network Systems Admin.

Loctation: Mason, OH

This person will be responsible for day-to-day Windows support and networking in an office of ~120.

We have 3 remote locations (small offices) but will open more this year.

MS Certfied individuals are preferred since this is the top of two such positions. As this is the top position you'll also have a Jr. guy reporting to you that you can dump all the stuff you don't want to do on.

We provide excellent bennies, Anthem's top healthcare plan completely paid for, 100%, and we're close to some good riding.

Looking for someone that's been around the block a few times, has some Cisco experience, as well as Linux and Solaris if possible, though the latter two are not as high a priority.

If you're interested, or know someone that's qualified, PM me and I can get you the details. This job isn't formally posted anywhere yet.


Wish I qualified... no Cisco, only a bit of networking, pbly wouldnt' even qualify as a Jr Jr!

Just lots of fixing OPC's...

"No, you don't delete the desktop icon and wonder why the program keeps running!

...No , you don't' use Explorer and delete files because you didn't save them and you don't know what they are... and wonder why your computer doesn't work!"<LOL>

Hope you find just the person you're looking for!


After spending the past 6 months looking for an audio production gig here in town I'm starting to think I should've just sucked it up and picked up the MCSE and a CCNA instead of going back to school for that BFA :)

After spending the past 6 months looking for an audio production gig here in town I'm starting to think I should've just sucked it up and picked up the MCSE and a CCNA instead of going back to school for that BFA :)
It appears that the tide has shifted in the IT market.

We're finding it harder than ever to find and hire good candidates. Salaries are up, and it's not exactly like Cincy is the technology capitol. It was tough before, and getting tougher.

Always a good time to get into tech, but paying your dues sure can suck as it does with anything else I suppose.

