The FJR will not leak visibly until a leak gets pretty bad. There is a foil-covered insulating layer on top of the engine that catches drips, allowing them to evaporate before you can find them.
All it takes to smell like gas is a slight seepage from a fuel line, pump gasket or pump o-ring. The only way to check that stuff is to raise the tank up and feel for a leak. You may be able to see a drip forming, but seepage may not even form a drip. It will, however, feel wet to the touch.
Example: I had a failing gasket, which I fixed. I let it air out for a couple of days, but it still smelled of gas. I lifted the tank again, found the seepage and it turned out to be a clamp that I hadn't reinstalled correctly.
I also had trouble with one of my connectors in that the silicone seal part wadded up and would not let the connector click together correctly. (Mine was the fuel pump connector) Maybe that is all that is wrong with your fuel sender?? In my case, I had to remove the damaged connector seal and replace it with a dab of silicone dielectric grease. No problems after that.