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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Harvest Al.
Ok need a little help in a hurry my brother and I are suppose to be leaving in the next couple of hours for a weekend ride. As of this morning charging system problem. Battery is new and good . I checked his repair manual and follow diagnostic info. Checked resistance with Ohms meter sowed .5-.6 and according to manual this should be .3-.4 is this close enogh and does this mean it is most likly the regulator rectifier

Oh by the way he has a Yamaha TDM 850

Thanks for any help

Touch your meter leads together and note the reading. This is the resistance of the meter leads. Subtract this from your stator(?) resistance readings to get the true reading. Measuring very low resistance is problematic.

One of the best charging system troubleshooting guides is on Electrosports web site here.

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Ion beam, Thanks for that info that is exactlly what was happening It is testing right at specs so the only thing left is the reg/rec. Yes we checked all the connections also.

To Admins. sorry iI put this in the wrong area but as we are supose to be leaving town and he would be following an FJR I thought it might be ok.I needed quick tech help and the peopl;e on this board always come through.


