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Eric, I read about the '03, and like the '04 also. The forum gurus are correct...both bikes are above average price (due to late MN Spring, and very low miles).

However, I fell in love w/ Liquid Silver and drove 600 miles to buy my '03 for $6k back in '09.

These FJR's will blow your socks off (compared to all the OLD bikes you have owned). Better engine, better brakes (even w/o ABS), better suspension, better everything (except seat ) than my old Connie.

So, make an offer on the '03, and get it for $4.5k - $5k ... and you will be sooooooo happy!!!

Then, after 4 years and 40k miles you will be like me.... working on how to buy a new '13 FJR.

I fully understand the hesitance of the fly and ride. Unless you already knowthe seller, the bike, or both, you will potentially be out an expensive plane ticket when you show up and the bike has been misrepresented. Or else feel compelled to buy it at the sight unseen negotiated price even though you would have haggled the seller down based on the new info.

These bikes aren't that rare. You'll find a nice copy, close by, before you know it. Patience is more than a virtue, it is a requirement!

I fully understand the hesitance of the fly and ride. Unless you already knowthe seller, the bike, or both, you will potentially be out an expensive plane ticket when you show up and the bike has been misrepresented. Or else feel compelled to buy it at the sight unseen negotiated price even though you would have haggled the seller down based on the new info.
These bikes aren't that rare. You'll find a nice copy, close by, before you know it. Patience is more than a virtue, it is a requirement!
Fred has very valid points...when I was looking for a bike, I either considered a bike advertised & owned by a forum peep or had a peep close to the potential bike go check it out for me. I am always for anybody here available to check out a bike within a couple hundred miles, and if desired, I'll pick you up at the airport, provide transportation and even put up a peep in my home for a night or two. Then ride some distance together on your way home.

I would agree with Mike of Nawlins'. I think most folks here would be willing to check out a bike for you. Also fly n ride isn't the only option. There's always Greyhound, you can leave the driving to them ya know.

Anyways by this time you may have already made your purchase. Hope it turns out well for you and you find a way to ride more than just "a couple months out of the year".

C'ya on the road sometime.

First, ups to the previous responders. The advice here was very helpful to me in my recent search.

I'd decided that I wanted a GenII bike, particularly for the ABS, and for the (reported) heat management (more an issue in NC than MN). There were none advertised in the local paper, and I had an amazingly hard time getting responses from CraigsList advertisers. I scored mine from eBay. You have pretty good built-in protections on eBay vehicle purchases, but that wouldn't cover travel costs if you had to bail.

Those are extraneous thoughts, but I'd agree with the OPs on being patient. Your bike's out there.

Thanks for all of the of the replies. Here is an update. Seeing as I just really wanted an FJR to try out ST riding I told the guy I was going to keep looking. He is moving out of the country and couldn't take it with him. We talked a bunch about his move and bikes in general and after a long conversation he took a bunch off of the price and I took the bike home. It may not have ABS or heat management, but what it did have was a previous owner who babied it and kept up on maintenance and a price tag that was unbeatable. I figure if I fall in love with the ST riding I can either sell it, or keep it and buy a newer one down the road. If I hate it I will push it into the corner of the garage and ride the Buell. Thanks again for all of the responses. I liked the honesty in them. You meet the nicest people on a Yamaha

What a great outcome to this story. And kudos to you for going into this deal with eyes wide open.

I have no doubt that once you ride the bike a bit and come to appreciate its attributes you'll keep it, or possibly upgrade to a newer model if you are really sold on the bike. ABS is good, but it isn't everything. And the first gens are still clearly superior, ABS or not. ;)

Seriously, if you made the deal at a good price you'll come out whole on the other side, enriched with the experience that you have tried this kind of bike whether it works for you or not. Many (most?) of us find it works. Some of us drink the Yamaha kool-aid and will not admit that the emperor's clothes may be a bit thin. It's like that with all brands.

But in all honesty, it is a hell of a fine machine, and you'll probably soon agree. Good luck with your new steed.

Fred, been watching your post with interest. I bought an 03 a couple months ago and apparently paid way too much..... 5600 out the door with few extras. I've bought a number of bikes from this dealer and never felt too hurt at what I paid. I was able to track the previous owner down from this site and found he had been given 5000 on trade. I've never looked back since I bought it and at 60 yo enjoy the weight loss from my Venture Royal which I still ride. Now the only decision I have to make is take the sports car or the suv. I don't feel the dealer making 600 dollars unreasonable. Enjoy your ride, my guess is you will have a house cleaning of your others. Knowlegable folks on here and a fun place.

Glad to hear you found a deal!

I was planning to point out the high mileage 08 on the forum that just had a price drop to $4000. I'm temped to buy it for a spare lol

Congrats on the FJR purchase. You may want to consider attending the CFO meet in LaCrosse, WI in September.

Here's more info:
That would be a quick trip from where I live now. The problem is that I just accepted a job in Georgia. I will be moving in the middle of July. It's gonna be quite the climate change, but more days of riding :)

Good luck my friend. Give yourself a couple weeks, till just after labor day. Bet you'll be surprised.
Labor Day is September, so either you meant a couple of months, or you have your holidays screwed up.

To the OP: Get an '07A. You'll get the ABS that everyone mentions, plus the best color ever slapped on a Feejer.

Congrats Erik! Great name by the way even though you spell it wrong! Sounds like you did good; you can't make yourself too crazy with price...look in the paper a week from now and you'll find a better deal! I paid way too much for my brand new 2004; I've since tripled the miles on it since I bought it and I never regret one penny I paid!! Anything is worth whatever you're willing to pay for it. Ride safe and enjoy the ride! As far as the heat issue....I've read many times on here that it's a very subjective thing and I'd have to agree...."so far" anyway (come ask me again in but so far we've had temps in the 80's and 90's here and I've not found the heat to be an issue, hopefully you will find the same! Congrats again!

Congrats Erik! Great name by the way even though you spell it wrong! Sounds like you did good; you can't make yourself too crazy with price...look in the paper a week from now and you'll find a better deal! I paid way too much for my brand new 2004; I've since tripled the miles on it since I bought it and I never regret one penny I paid!! Anything is worth whatever you're willing to pay for it. Ride safe and enjoy the ride! As far as the heat issue....I've read many times on here that it's a very subjective thing and I'd have to agree...."so far" anyway (come ask me again in but so far we've had temps in the 80's and 90's here and I've not found the heat to be an issue, hopefully you will find the same! Congrats again!

I have ridden full fairing air cooled Harleys in parades when it is 90, I am guessing it can't be much worse than that. It hasn't been much over 50 degrees here yet this spring, but I am moving to Georgia in July, so I am guessing that I will be hot as hell no matter what I ride down there.

BTW I love the name of your city. Boiling springs just sounds sweltering.


I have ridden full fairing air cooled Harleys in parades when it is 90, I am guessing it can't be much worse than that. It hasn't been much over 50 degrees here yet this spring, but I am moving to Georgia in July, so I am guessing that I will be hot as hell no matter what I ride down there.

BTW I love the name of your city. Boiling springs just sounds sweltering.
Yah those air cooled V's can throw off a ton of heat! You will love GA! "Sweltering" Springs is only about an hour from the border, "HOT"lanta is about 2.5 hrs away and it's called HOT for a reason! LOL Get ready for humidity you can carve with a knife!

But you are will not be winterizing your bikes anymore!! We can ride 12 mos!!

I will be living in Brunswick which I think is about 5 hours away from you. I will have to stock up on monkey but powder :)
