Need some Ear Plug Advice!

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
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West Palm Beach, FL
After a long rash of back to back Ear Infections, My Doctor told me in No Uncertain Terms that all of the infections were self induced by reusing my Helo Ear Plugs.

That I should NEVER EVER stick anything in my ear canals! I said: But Doc! BMW rated them #1 for softness and decibel reduction! :rolleyes:

He said: HEY DUMBASS! What part of, "You should NEVER EVER!" Don't you understand? Did I mention we've been friends for about 15 years? :unsure:

You are Reintroducing bacteria into your ears. I said: But Doc!, They are sooo soft and pretty! Can I use them once and throw them away? :huh:

At this point I see that look on his face that he wants to punch me! He said: NO!! :angry2:

He said: Use Mack's Ear Wax Plugs. Bought some and I'm not impressed. Is anybody using some hearing protection that doesn't get inserted in the ear canal? :unsure:

My Doctor and I will be most appreciative of any and all help on this Issue! :)

I'm not a doctor, but I use comply ear tips on my Westone headphones. Yes I do clean them off often, but have never resulted in an ear infection, and they are compressed in ear canal foam tips? Again never caused me a problem.


Stolen from

Ear Infections

  • Ear specialists at warn earplug users of the possibility of developing an infection. Earplugs that carry bacteria and viruses will cause an infection when used for long periods of time. Symptoms of an ear infection include an earache and yellow discharge coming out of ears, which typically results from a burst eardrum. To reduce your risk of developing a conductive ear infection or an inner ear infection, purchase disposable earplugs and discard them after each use. Or, use hypoallergenic earplugs and special disinfecting solutions to clean them after each wear. Always seek advice from a medical professional if you think you may be suffering from an ear infection.

Read more: Dangers of Wearing Ear Plugs |</span>

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I use Earmolds, the silican moulded plugs made for each ear with the speaker "tube" that goes through it.

I try to clean the silicon sometimes, esp the tubes, they buid up with grunge.

Haven't had a problem since new, 4 years, so far touch wood.

Can wear them for 10-12 hrs, then all night when asleep if I'm riding with my buddies who snore.

My never ending battle, and only issue, with my fjr has been the never ending search for the right windscreen, helmet, and earplugs combo to manage the wind/road noise and buffeting on an otherwise superior sport touring bike. Earplugs for me are an absolute neccesity on this bike. My current choices are Yamahas sport touring shield (just a little bit bigger) a shoei multi-tech helmet and, yes, Macks silicone wax ear plugs, main negative to me is $$ as they are only usable a few times and then get thrown away due to getting dirty. Not to expensive buying them in bigger box at drug stores. I have never found ear plugs in my ear canals to be comfy on long rides, I wear glasses which contributes to discomfort/earaches/headaches. I followed the directions and mold them in, and all is well, for me.

I use the plastic ones from the hearing protection counter in power tools at Sears. An occasional cleaning is all I've ever needed. They are comfy enough for all day use, or to sleep with in noisy camping environments. They've never given me sores or any other problems with my ears, while the squishy foam plugs are no end of trouble for me.


Scotty, Very Good Info. I'll have to confront my ENT about, why can't I just get cheap plugs that work and toss them after using them once.

Ken, I've thought of some silicon type products in the past. I might go in that direction and see if it works for me.

James, You too? Oh Man does this Suck or want?! I'm infected all the time. I wanna ride all the time and I can't be without plugs. I'll come up with something!

Rush, I'll look into that too. That sounds sanitary and I don't see why it wouldn't work.

Walter, I've used those for many years and was told that they are the main culprit. But, rubbing them down with some anti-biotic can't hurt.

Thanks Guys for all this great help. I'm still not convinced that cheap disposible foam plugs is bad. Helo's cost too much to be tossed at each use.

Until I come up with a good permanent solution, I'll go with the Cheap foam throw aways that come in gigantic bag for $1 and hope for the best :clapping:

Buy a box of the cheap/soft foamies.

Every now and then spread a little triple-antibiotic 'lubricant' on a pair. Toss them when they get dirty.

That's about all you can do. Clean is the key amigo.

One other option is visit an audiologist and have a custom set made, or give the Radians, mold your own a try. They are cheap enough, but they too will get dirty, you just have to keep them clean. I use them for shooting and mowing but don't like them for riding. They block sound OK, but change up the buffeting to a lower frequency that drive me nuts after a while.

You can get them at online shooting supply places like


I often thought of taking a bunch of disposable ear plugs and silicone them together within a small foam pouch of about the same size as those ear cushions found on dirt cheap headphones and velcro them to tightly take up the space inside of my helmet area between the shell and my ear.

Just waiting for some brave pioneer to report back to me on how well that setup works. ;)

EDIT: Or even cannibalize the material off of a set of sound isolation ear muffs to fashion a reduced thickness ear pad and head band/skull cap to fit on before donning the helmet.

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I use Flents Quiet Time ear plugs. I have beeen using them since 2003, I throw them out when they get dirty. Never had an ear infection. I have tinnutus and can't ride without them unless I don't want to be able to hear anybody after a ride. You may consider using a 1/2 alcohol and 1/2 white vinegar solution for your ears. After each ride put 3 drops in your ears, do so only if you have intact ear drums (tympantic memebranes).

I'm kind of dismayed to read this thread, because I wear ear plugs pretty much 24x7!

Just bought a condo and the AC units are very noisy. So now my Hear'o's are in use a GREAT deal more often. One side has gotten irritated from rubbing (not opening ear canal enough), but other then that... never any kind of an infection. Even when just using them on the bike.

I've heard docs say you should never put anything in your ear that's smaller then your elbow ;) , but I've used q-tips and clean Hear'o's for years now and nary an issue...

knock wood.

What do the NASCAR guys use?

I see them attach, what looks like, a piece of black electrical tape to their ears, nothing inserted that I can tell.

Buy a box of the cheap/soft foamies.

Every now and then spread a little triple-antibiotic 'lubricant' on a pair. Toss them when they get dirty.

That's about all you can do. Clean is the key amigo.
This right here is exactly what I had in mind! My Doctor is a close friend and I'm sure he has his heart in the right place as far as my health and all,

But, I can't for the life of me get my head around that "NEVER EVER" sticking anything in your ear canal. I mean, COME ON!! It's soft foamy things!

I don't think those soft things will have enough expansive force that it's gonna start spreading out in the canal and start shreading flesh of anything! :rolleyes:

I'll just toss them after every use. That will definately stop bacteria being introduced. :)

I often thought of taking a bunch of disposable ear plugs and silicone them together within a small foam pouch of about the same size as those ear cushions found on dirt cheap headphones and velcro them to tightly take up the space inside of my helmet area between the shell and my ear.

Just waiting for some brave pioneer to report back to me on how well that setup works. ;)

EDIT: Or even cannibalize the material off of a set of sound isolation ear muffs to fashion a reduced thickness ear pad and head band/skull cap to fit on before donning the helmet.
Holy Crap! Dude, I was talking about that very thing last night at dinner with my sweety. Your edit point is what I was telling her I wanted to come up with.

Except, the material I had in mind was a thin piece of that Temper Pedic memory foam so it can accommodate all the nooks and crannies of the ear and seal the sound

off as much as possible although the foam in a cheap headset sounds doable too. We think alike my friend!! :D

I don't think those soft things will have enough expansive force that it's gonna start spreading out in the canal and start shreading flesh of anything! :rolleyes:

I'll just toss them after every use. That will definately stop bacteria being introduced. :)
Unfortunately, it doesn't completely stop the introduction because you are forcing whatever bacteria may be resident in your ear canal deeper into the canal by the introduction of the plug, clean or not.

Apparently , some folks are much more susceptible to ear infections than the public as a whole. My son is one of those, probably because as a swimmer throughout his youth, he had multiple "swimmer ear" infections.

He has had good luck since beginning to ride years ago by carefully cleaning his ear canal with Isopropyl alcohol and then applying a light film of Polysporin ointment prior to inserting the foam one-time type of plug.

Just as an aside, my dermatologist (I have some fairly serious skin problems) has counseled the use of Polysporin brand antibiotic ointment in preference to the more commonly available Neosporin brand. This is because Neosporin has a fairly high incidence of causing a mild to moderate reaction in a significant portion of the population. YMMV of course.

I use Flents Quiet Time ear plugs. I have beeen using them since 2003, I throw them out when they get dirty. Never had an ear infection. I have tinnutus and can't ride without them unless I don't want to be able to hear anybody after a ride. You may consider using a 1/2 alcohol and 1/2 white vinegar solution for your ears. After each ride put 3 drops in your ears, do so only if you have intact ear drums (tympantic memebranes).
That's some great info Imp! I'm in the same boat about being willing to ride plugless but, the Whooosh will have me deaf for the rest of the day.

That solution of alcohol and white vinegar sounds like it would be right up my alley. Thanks!
