Need Suggestions ASAP

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Ok.. dumb question time..

When plugs do fail, do they shoot out and cause a sudden loss of pressure and loss of control or do they simply leak and loos pressure slowly?


I rode the plugged rear tire for 1,500 miles before changing it... and at more than the speed limit. The front tire would be a different story. It has a lot to do with confidence, if you find yourself worrying about the tire when riding, change it now.

Ok... I plugged it and tested in the bath tub. It is not leaking.

I want to thankyou you guys that took time out of your schedule to give me some advice. It means alot when others help.

I originally wanted to patch it but was cautioned by my father who stated "Do you wanna die" :bigeyes:

You guys have comvinced me that my orignal assumption holds. I will go ahead and place my order for a rear avon from fjrgoodies as well.. Now I gotta find someone to mount/balance it.


Is this friend of your's available in the evenings around 5pm?


Hey James... Here is the link to the moto-shop at 29Dreams. Let me know when you're planning to be there and we'll hook up if possible.


put 16 0z of Slime in it.I swear by the stuff.just tell whoever changes the tire later on down the line ,they can cover the tire machine before breaking the makes a mess.

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You think it would hold at 120 mph?

Just use a worm style plug right?
Yep, assuming the patch is well vulcanized, this small nail hole shouldn't pose any problems. I've had dozens of similar patches over the years, and have taken them up to well, WELL over triple digits many a time in the Nevada outback.

***Ok... I plugged it and tested in the bath tub. It is not leaking.***
How did you get your bike in the bath tub ??

Wheel removed and placed into the tub... Stay with me here :D


I picked up a 3/8th inch bolt on a brand new Dunlop on my GL1800 Wing. While it was still hissing, I drove the bike to a tire repair shop where the kid mechanic stuck three gummy worm tire sealers into the hole. I then proceeded to rack up 17,000 miles on the tire without a problem.

In the end, it's your decision. If it makes you uncomfortable to ride with a plug, change the tire and have peace of mind. If you're a cheap SOB like me, ride it till it's worn out!


In the end, it's your decision. If it makes you uncomfortable to ride with a plug, change the tire and have peace of mind. If you're a cheap SOB like me, ride it till it's worn out!


WTF? You removed the tire to test if it leaks? Why not just spray soapy water on it??

Nonetheless, that hole is RIGHT in the tread. I would call that your lucky day. Plug that shit and run like the wind.

If it were the front I would say something different.


I picked up a drywall screw in my rear tire while playing in PA in May. (State Route 44, Great road!)


Friends plugged it for me and I've been riding on it ever since.


Of course, I'm a pretty conservative rider so I decided to try and wear out the tire before replacing it. So far about 2,000 miles on it with the plug.

I'm considering putting Dunlops on it next spring so your conversation on what tires to get is much appreciated information for me.

In my opinion, just plug it and ride it out...

I have plugged thousands of tires, that I will garruntee went well over 120mph and haven't had an issue... Its not like the dam tire is gunna explode because its got a freakin hole in it... all you need to care about is the dam thing isn't flat... I tell you what... just send me your used tire with a hole in it...

either way, what does a new tire cost anyways....

is it worth what you spent on the bike...? or your life...?

reach for the wallet..... :)


In my opinion, just plug it and ride it out...
I have plugged thousands of tires, that I will garruntee went well over 120mph and haven't had an issue... Its not like the dam tire is gunna explode because its got a freakin hole in it... all you need to care about is the dam thing isn't flat... I tell you what... just send me your used tire with a hole in it...

either way, what does a new tire cost anyways....

is it worth what you spent on the bike...? or your life...?

reach for the wallet..... :)

B) New Avon ordered, But I will keep my old bridgestone as a spare. I will get it patched from the inside as well.

Thanks, I was planning on swapping the holy tire :D with the new Avon as soon as I recieved it, but after these comments, I might just decide to ride it out a while.

