need your help with wife

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:angry2: If ya love your wife and sanity you do what I did,you just go and buy one and bring it home as a nice little surprise. She will love you for it. She will never let you forget how much she loves you for it. She will remind you every day how much that little two wheeled tramp makes her love you even more. No really just help her realize that it was as much her idea as yours to get a motor cycle. And in these unsure economic times it just makes sense to ride. Let me know how this works out for ya.
:angry2: If ya love your wife and sanity you do what I did,you just go and buy one and bring it home as a nice little surprise. She will love you for it. She will never let you forget how much she loves you for it. She will remind you every day how much that little two wheeled tramp makes her love you even more. No really just help her realize that it was as much her idea as yours to get a motor cycle. And in these unsure economic times it just makes sense to ride. Let me know how this works out for ya.

You can save the [SIZE=18pt]ENTIRE BIKE PAYMENT[/SIZE] on the difference in the fuel spent between that and your daily driver so the bike is FREE!! and you are saving the environment to boot

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IF you let her read this might just find out how much more expensive a divorce is than an FJR.... :unknw:

[SIZE=8pt]Do you know why a divorce costs so much?[/SIZE]

Because its worth it!

Ok i want a new 08 fjr never had one never drove one but want one so bad . The yamaha dealer in northern maine just got a new one in .
So i have tried every excuse to get that 08 she says wait till 09 maybe they will change some things and get more options.

What are some of the excuses you guys have used ???? that have worked on your wife to get your new bike . :)
Tell her My 2005 (in the slow, ugly Galaxy Blue color) with 5,000+ miles (right here in Maine) is up for sale.

$15,288 out the door.

I'm sure you can buy the Black beauty for less and benefit from it's appreciation in value (like mine ..wink-wink) if you decide to sell down the road.

PS: If you are interested in mine..... we may be able to work out a deal! :yahoo:

Or do what I did......Buy it!.....& suffer the consequences...

Did You know Black is the best contrast to snow, you live in Maine?.... You've got snow?...Black would be a very safe color to ride!

The 2009 models will be White!

Yes i live in northern maine we still have 4 feet of snow . I have read all your responses there are some great ones i have used most of them before this would be my 6 or 7 bike in my fleet now but whos counting .

I also collect vintage snowmobiles and have 7 of them . She has been very supportive of my habit of collecting vintage bikes and snowmobiles she is a very beautiful person inside and out.

I just feel in love with the fjr especially the black and have ask several ?s on here about them and now the dealer got one in and all i can say is :yahoo: im sure she will come around . And yes i do work im a firefighter/paramedic so i have used that excuse it would help relieve stress now she says you have a different bike everyday of the week to help with that stress thanks again guys i can always count on you .

If she's Blonde:

It's "BUY ONE GET ONE FREE" but no way am I that frivolous. I just won't take the second one.

If she's Brunette:

I think we both need our outlets. You should go ahead and plan that Carribean vacation.

If she's a Redhead:

PPPPPut the gun down.

[SIZE=8pt]The above suggestions can produce side effects such as a cronic lawyer syndrome, extreemly loud cursing, crashing dish noises, scratches that can lead to bleeding, insonmnia, constant ear pain, and emotional distress. If you should experience any of these symptoms contact you FJR board immediately.[/SIZE]

Yes i live in northern maine we still have 4 feet of snow . I have read all your responses there are some great ones i have used most of them before this would be my 6 or 7 bike in my fleet now but whos counting .
I also collect vintage snowmobiles and have 7 of them . She has been very supportive of my habit of collecting vintage bikes and snowmobiles she is a very beautiful person inside and out.

I just feel in love with the fjr especially the black and have ask several ?s on here about them and now the dealer got one in and all i can say is :yahoo: im sure she will come around . And yes i do work im a firefighter/paramedic so i have used that excuse it would help relieve stress now she says you have a different bike everyday of the week to help with that stress thanks again guys i can always count on you .
Oh, I feel baited and abused now! :angry:

After all those toys, if she hasn't kicked you out yet, it's because you have not played with any warm-blooded toys. Go give her a big kiss, a big hug, tell her how much you love her and how you truly don't deserve such a compassionate and understanding woman.

Then show her the new FJR. She's expecting it.

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Ok i want a new 08 fjr never had one never drove one but want one so bad . The yamaha dealer in northern maine just got a new one in .
So i have tried every excuse to get that 08 she says wait till 09 maybe they will change some things and get more options.

What are some of the excuses you guys have used ???? that have worked on your wife to get your new bike . :)

[SIZE=14pt]It's Easier to Ask for Forgiveness than for Permission![/SIZE]

:argue: :argue: :argue: :nhl_fight: :nhl_fight: :nhl_fight:

Let her know it's all about safety. You need the power and ABS brakes to maneuver yourself around otherwise life threatening obstacles.

Tell her that in getting this motorcycle you are creating another way to spend time together doing something you love to do ... that you want to include her in this aspect of your life, and really would want her to be in on this with you. You can go on and on about all the places you will go, the sunset rides together ... blah ... blah ... blah ... it may appeal to her inherent feminine complexity.OR ... you can just bring it home and just say "what?" with a shocked look on your face ... and when she isn't talking to you for days you can be adding some great aftermarket stuff to your new bike.

Either way, get a Corbin smuggler and tell her it's a one person ride.

That's what I did........

6 or 7 bikes and a bunch of sleds?

Shoot, she'd never notice another bike in taht fleet!

S76 - Your post is pricelss!

I usually use the 'if I sell this bike and that bike then it will only be a couple of K ' to get the new bike. I've used this a number of times and still have the original bike.

Hummm, "Wait till next year" eh? Okaayyyyyy <_<

Based on my somewhat limited success with living with my wife for 3+ decades, I have a tendency to think there may be a hidden meaning here. I'm certainly no Dr. Phil, but over the years I have learned that what a wife says, and what she really thinks, can be two totally different things. Here's a few examples of what your wife may be really thinking:

"You already have too many [fill in the blank], (bikes, toys, cars, tools, airplanes, bills, etc), and you don't need another toy." :angry:


"I had plans to buy that new [fill in the blank] (car, furniture, dress, shoes, yacht, etc), and that FJR will throw a monkey wrench into my plans." :(


"You're going to take off with your friends and leave me (and the kids?) behind on the weekends. And you'd just love that wouldn't you?!" :diablo:

So perhaps the answer to your question may lay hidden within her simple statement, "... wait for the '09 FJR." Or then again, perhaps your wife is seriously worried and concerned about whether you have the latest and greatest bells and whistles. Uh..... right. :glare:

In any case, based on Yamaha's creative trends, especially during the last 3 years, changes have been minor and during '07 and '08, even more minor. It costs big money to make major production changes, and manufacturers normally only go this route if they have competition to deal with - or if their product is becoming dated. In the case of the '08 FJR, its competition is minimal and Yamaha has already "fine-tuned" their FJR GenII for the sports-touring market - and its well priced. I'm guessing the '09's will (of course) be a different color and Yam will add a cup holder or two, but I'd be seriously surprised to see any major changes to the '09's.

My suggestion is, go get the '08. Life is too short to wait for anything. Plus if you don't, you'll be really pissed off at yourself all season long every time you see a FJR ride by! Yep.... there goes another one! Damn! :dribble:

If convincing your wife is the key to getting your '08, you need to turn on the charm and the smarts. I'd recommend doing what's necessary to make it fun for her as well; either by talking up places she may be interested in visiting (on the bike of course!). Or like in my wifes case, investing in a machine for her! ;)


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Married for the first time at 45; I have three words that avoid these kinds of issues:

[SIZE=18pt]Separate Bank Accounts[/SIZE]

No asking at my house.... :yahoo:
