NEOS Waterporoof Overshoes

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I had a friend that had a pair and he loved them. We were riding together in Colorado over Monarch pass and my feet

were frozen solid but he was happy as could be.

I later purchased a pair off ebay and wore them a few times but being in Lousiana I just don't get a chance to use them very much.

If you get a chance to pick up a used pair that has the screw-in ice spikes on the bottom that might be an added feature worth having. I got caught trying to move my bike around in an ice covered parking lot one time and wished I had the ice-spikes on the bottom of my neos.

The bottom line is do you plan on doing a lot of riding with the temp below freezing, if so, they are worth getting.

Considering the "Adventure" or the "Villager"

I've used a pair of the "Adventurer" from Aerostich as rain boots for 4 or 5 years now, and they rock. The major advantage is a lot more traction than other overboots, plus they're warmer, plus they totally keep out splash from passing cars because they have the tallest calf coverage.

The one disadvantage is the sole is a regular sole, so they will roll up, but not as much as say a plastic cover bootie, so they're the biggest part of my rain kit.

I had to get another pair for slogging through my wet back yard. It's cool that you can take them off after going through heavy mud and just rinse them off under the hose.

EDIT: I never thought of them as cold weather gear, just as rain boots.

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