NERDS 2012 Tech-Day

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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So, bring it on.
Cool. I appreciate it, 'cause when it comes to wrenching on things, well ... Bill and Ray get peeved when I try to work on things at Tech Days. And read Bill's post-NAFO ride report and his little "event" with his handlebars...

We should be able to be there fairly early. And we'll have a guy riding a Buell with us.

Fred, will there be bike wash available for tech day? I want to at least feel like I accomplished something, so I don't look like this guy----> :dribble:

Well, having a bike wash at FJRed's might not make too much sense, since he lives down a few miles of dirt roads. ;)

But we'll have something set up at the Commodores for sure. Afterall, CanadianFJR is coming to this one. :p

Fred, will there be bike wash available for tech day? I want to at least feel like I accomplished something, so I don't look like this guy----> :dribble:
There will definitely be a bike-wash available at Tech Day for those who need it. Don't let Fred spook ya, it's only about 2.5 miles of dirt to my house. (and it's usually passable if you ride slow and dodge the big holes, tree roots, and sand washes) ;)

Fred :unsure: Ed

Somehow, we gotta clear up this confusion.


For anyone who is interested, I can demonstrate how an FJR can run fine for a thousand miles without having the positive battery cable secured to the battery.
Run away if Andy wants to lead a screwdriver identification class.

For anyone who is interested, I can demonstrate how an FJR can run fine for a thousand miles without having the positive battery cable secured to the battery.
Run away if Andy wants to lead a screwdriver identification class.
BTW, Bill, we'll really mess with his (and others') mind if we introduce him to a green or red Robertson..............

Opening up an engine far enough to do a valve check is always a bit risky just before a planned ride. Lots of people do it and get by with it. But stop and think about if YOU want to be the one guy who doesn't get to ride because he's sitting around waiting on parts. :(

You should always have a valve cover gasket, coolant rail O-rings, fresh coolant, and a set of spark plugs available for every FJR valve check. There's no sense going that deep without changing plugs, and you never know when a valve cover gasket will stick and tear.

In ALL cases, I strongly recommend NOT doing a valve adjust unless the bike is safely positioned in a shop where it can live for several days if necessary. Valve check is one thing... Valve adjust is something altogether different.

Who knows, I may have time to attend this year's event. Hey Ed, can I ship you a box of tools???


Opening up an engine far enough to do a valve check is always a bit risky just before a planned ride. Lots of people do it and get by with it. But stop and think about if YOU want to be the one guy who doesn't get to ride because he's sitting around waiting on parts. :(

You should always have a valve cover gasket, coolant rail O-rings, fresh coolant, and a set of spark plugs available for every FJR valve check. There's no sense going that deep without changing plugs, and you never know when a valve cover gasket will stick and tear.

In ALL cases, I strongly recommend NOT doing a valve adjust unless the bike is safely positioned in a shop where it can live for several days if necessary. Valve check is one thing... Valve adjust is something altogether different.

Who knows, I may have time to attend this year's event. Hey Ed, can I ship you a box of tools???

Absolutely! Feel free to ship anything you'd like. It'd be great if you could make it up for NERDS this year.


Outta curiosity, is anyone gonna be there who is familiar with the Audiovox cruise control? Since we did the valve check at Tech Day ... uh .... was that #2? ... my CC has been slower than snot to engage. I think Ray was thinkin' that it could be that little chain-ish-looking mahoogy down in there somewhere under the tank (I think Hobbits and elves are under there, too).

I'd kinda like to get that fixed, especially since it seems like my right wrist / thumb start hurting like a mofo after a while and it'd be nice to use the CC more.

If you'd get serious and ditch this POS platform your wrist/thumb problems would magically go away.

Fred, will there be bike wash available for tech day? I want to at least feel like I accomplished something, so I don't look like this guy----> :dribble:
There will definitely be a bike-wash available at Tech Day for those who need it. Don't let Fred spook ya, it's only about 2.5 miles of dirt to my house. (and it's usually passable if you ride slow and dodge the big holes, tree roots, and sand washes) ;)

Fred :unsure: Ed

Somehow, we gotta clear up this confusion.

As long as I don't call ya late for dinner, right! :)

So would it be possible for me to get help flushing and bleeding the brakes on my 07 FJR?? The fluid looks a little to dark and don't think it was done by the previous owner. I only have about 20,000km on it but the colour of it tells me its time!

Anyone know what the Speed Bleeder part numbers are for my bike and how many of each I need??

Could I have the stuff shipped to your place ahead of time?

I dunno, seems like this could be pretty complex considering the klowns who will be assisting.. Thankfully Bill won't be there to get in the way so I bet something like this should only take a few hours..

Umm three calipers should only need 3 bleeders. Several peeps here sell them..

The End

I dunno, seems like this could be pretty complex considering the klowns who will be assisting.. Thankfully Bill won't be there to get in the way so I bet something like this should only take a few hours..

Umm three calipers should only need 3 bleeders. Several peeps here sell them..

The End
One for the left-front, TWO for the right-front, one for the rear brake and might as well get one for the clutch hydraulics while you're at it. Five for a superior Gen II, not three.

Can't help you with sizes - never felt the need to go with speed bleeders or a vacuum system for bleeding brakes. Might save myself 20 minutes every two years if I had them.

You don't have to have speed-bleeders to change the brake fluid. I have one of those vacuum-pump-fluid-sucker-thingies (forget what it's called) that works great for changing the fluid. Did it to mine this spring. Easy-Peazy.

We can definitely do a brake/clutch fluid change at Tech Day if you're interested. Just make sure to bring brake fluid.


MityVac? I was hoping you had one so I wouldn't have to bring mine. ;)

And you'll want to bring one of the big bottles of DOT4 if you want to do all of your brakes and the clutch. You can get it done (just barely) with a small size bottle, if you a very careful. But attempting to do that almost guarantees that you'll get some air in the lines somewhere and need to do more bleeding. ;)

Thanks Ed...I read up on the procedure here and may give it a go this week. Nice to know everyone here is so helpful!

I dunno, seems like this could be pretty complex considering the klowns who will be assisting.. Thankfully Bill won't be there to get in the way so I bet something like this should only take a few hours..

Umm three calipers should only need 3 bleeders. Several peeps here sell them..

The End
I'll be flying back to the Great White North on Wednesday from Munich so I'll have to wait until Tech Day IV to laugh at your wiring attempt of your aux lights.

If someone could teach me how to remove (and install) the dash panels I'd appreciate it greatly. My newbness keeps me from pulling too hard on plastic panels. I'd like to install a Fuzeblock to wire up my many toys.

Also learning how to do a TBS would be of interest. I'll contribute some beverages. :)
