Nevada--Am I too Early?

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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2009
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Southeast Idaho
I'm wanting to get out on my first big ride of the year. Planning a solo ride across NV on HWY 50 (loneliest road) Elko, Ely, Reno...

Is April 16-18 too early? Don't want to freeze my butt off or get caught in a snowstorm... I know weather is unpredictable but wondering if it's too risky that soon...

Thanks for any input.

On my way back from Death Valley a couple weeks ago I wondered around some in the desert and it was nice. I'd say as long as the weather guesser is forcasting clear skies I'd go for it. I did need my heated gear as it got down to 30 degrees over some of the passes. The visibility was outstanding and I had the place to myself.

snowing in reno a bit today, and more yesterday. SLC snowing today .....

My point being you never know, but you should be good. highway 50 is not that high but for a few spots.

BTW, hwy 50 does NOT go through Elko.

Before you do your trip, email me and I'll provide you with some great points of interest that you'll not want to miss. Also a few diversions should you have the time. It is magic out there for those who "Get It".

...cheers from Reno, John

Is April 16-18 too early? Don't want to freeze my butt off or get caught in a snowstorm... I know weather is unpredictable but wondering if it's too risky that soon...
NOPE -- it's a total crap shoot. :D Sorry, but that's as close to a crystal ball as I can get on that question. ;)

I spent a lot of years living in Tahoe, a couple years in Reno at UNR and a couple years recently in Gardnerville, NV. April 15 is easy for me to remember, for the obvious reason and because I was also born under that particular tax sign. :(

So . . . like I said, the weather is a total crap shoot. E.g., I picked up my FJR on April 15, 2005 in Carson City for one of the nicest weekends ever, and it was equally nice when I bought it the weekend before. I've also seen it snow and/or be really cold and windy then. In fact, it can be similarly cold and windy in June. (Warchild will remember a Blackbird meet he set up in Reno in June 2005 -- snowing over the Sierra passes, windy and cold.)

Just bring optional clothing -- if it is cold or snowy, it usually doesn't last in April. Most of the time, you're going to be in riding season in northern Nevada by then. Of course, most years, my golf course client in Tahoe City is opening the course for play about the same time, but then again -- you just never know.

(Edit: I see RJ beat me to the "Add Reply" button.)

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Thanks for the replies. I know it's guessing this time of year. I'm watching snow fall outside my window right now. It's snowing big-time in our local mountains... 18" in last 2 days up high. I'll keep my fingers crosses and hope for blue skies, gentle breezes and delicate desert flowers along the way...or i'll just freeze my ass off! :D

from what you shared regarding your route is a decent route:


you'll enjoy the rural roads south of Elko ...but kind of a shame to be so close to Jiggs without seeing the two-headed cow:


you'll note on 50 I diverted you over 722, which has a high pass and you'll want to watch weather -as well as the passes east of Austin. As it gets closer and the weather might be a tad more predictable this can be fine-tuned. Not sure how you plan to go home, but there are some good options there as well.

Watch out for the fuzz around Elko, one in particular is swine on hormones, and an FJR owner to boot. If you don't offer to buy him breakfast you're really taking chances on getting through that corner of planet earth without some jail time. Just they way it works in NV.

Watch for left-over sand in the turns, particularly along the edges & near the center.

Check the Weather channel at about :19 after the hour for the Weekly Planner segment.

Or, this from the national weather service. Graphical Forecast

Be a little flexible with the trip dates and you can move around between storms.

Thanks for the route advice. I'm really considering pushing this back a week or two now. We had a decent snowstorm here in town yesterday that actually stuck on the ground, icy drive into work today. Getting out of here down there might be the biggest challenge...
