Never urinate on a 220 watt 3 phase electric fence!

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There is no such thing as a" 3 phase electric fence" . I have an electric fence and they will shock the crap out of you, 10,000 plus volts, but there is no way to connect 3 phase power to a fence. Even if you could, you could only pee on one phase at a time. If you could pee on 2 of the phases at once, they would short out and you would not get such a burn. Snopes .com proves that. But...... if you pee on an electric fence.......... you will get shocked :rolleyes: do not ask how I know that.

I dunno, kinda looks like a friction burn.

shoulda used more KY

moral of story: careful dem postmenopausal ones

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Lawsuit? It was done in China. They probably shot the guy for letting the docs take a picture and publish a story. Jeez! They roated his weewee with a RADIO!?!

By the way... That's a great picture to show horny teenage keep them away from my daughter!!!

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Didn't mythbusters tackle this and prove it impossible because urine is not a continuous stream but a series of droplets?

Oh, nothing bothers me. Not after 13 years of nursing :huh:

Tiny penis though.

"Thrombi were found in the two deep arteries of the corpora cavernosa and deep dorsal arteries and the veins beneath Buck's fasica." Yikes, I hate when THAT happens! :eek:
It's not all bad. I mean, he had that much burn and was still left with 1cm of penis left over. If I had that much burn, I would be left with a vagina. :blink:
