Never urinate on a 220 watt 3 phase electric fence!

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"Thrombi were found in the two deep arteries of the corpora cavernosa and deep dorsal arteries and the veins beneath Buck's fasica." Yikes, I hate when THAT happens! :eek:
Yeah but he can "micturate in a standing position by pushing skin around the stump of the penis backwards."

That makes me feel better. :unsure:

Didn't mythbusters tackle this and prove it impossible because urine is not a continuous stream but a series of droplets?
Was there a conveyor belt involved?
No conveyor belt, but Buster never got zapped until he was standing in the puddle that touched both electric rails, and then only mildly.

Maybe if he'd been riding a conveyor down the rails. . . . . or pushing an airplane.

I think I can see an image of Elvis in the charred remains...what does it mean??

I deduced it was meant to be, after reading about the "third leg" of 3-phase. Regarding the size of that Chinese penis, I remember an old Diceman line....

[SIZE=18pt]Ha! Put a piece of gum on it... [/SIZE]

fjrchik, you have 'sota roots?

[SIZE=18pt] [/SIZE]fjrchik, you have 'sota roots?
yep, born and raised in Fairmont and then went to the Twin Cities right after high school in 94. spent most of my time in Eden Prairie until i bought a townhouse in Burnsville in 99. then i transferred down here to DFW right before 9.11.01.

how bout you?

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There is no such thing as a" 3 phase electric fence" . I have an electric fence and they will shock the crap out of you, 10,000 plus volts, but there is no way to connect 3 phase power to a fence. Even if you could, you could only pee on one phase at a time. If you could pee on 2 of the phases at once, they would short out and you would not get such a burn. Snopes .com proves that. But...... if you pee on an electric fence.......... you will get shocked :rolleyes: do not ask how I know that.
Getting back to the technical content flaws of this urban myth:

While it is possible to have a 3 phase fence it would be quite pointless. There would have to be three wire strands that are isolated from each other connected to the three phases. The reason it is pointless is that the primary reason for delivering AC power in multiple phases is to reduce the power losses on the transmission line. So high power consuming devices like large electric motors, AC units, etc. can operate more efficiently. An electric fence has very little power consumed because it draws almost no current (until something touches it) just a high static voltage. The "shock" of an animal touching the fence is from the voltage discharging through it's body to ground. The idea is not to kill the wayward livestock so the current is intentionally limited.

Fences are not rated in watts because they don't deliver much power, just a high voltage at a low current. I think that this myth was started by an urbanite not very well versed in electrical theory. I wonder if he messed around with conveyor belts much... :rolleyes:

Admin edit: gruesome, graphic image - NWS, and not for the timid!
I haven't, and won't look at this, but I appreciate the admin edit. I don't like to get ambushed by stuff that leaves an indelible image in your head, like MadMike in a Tutu or similar. :dribble:

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watts or volts? All the same thing until someones dick is fried.
Volts won't fry your dick unless they have some current (watts) to back them up.

But you may get an unpleasant tingling sensation... ;-)

Apparently, heating your pecker up with an RF power supply for 2.5 hours will do it too.

Gee who'd a thunk it... :fie:


More than you ever wanted to know. You've been warned.

watts or volts? All the same thing until someones dick is fried.
Actually, electric fences are typically sold in bohemian SI units so you would purchase a .5 to ~20 joule electric fence. Electric fences typically run in the 6.5 THOUSAND AC volt range . Electric fences are sold in different classes based on intended use. While the current is limited, the voltages are normally unregulated.

Agricultural/paddock: We own a small portable electric fence for our horses, it is referred to as a temporary paddock fence and it is switched 600 VCD.

Agricultural/field: Most fence ‘chargers’ are rated in distances of 10 mile, 50 mile, 100 mile, etc. These fences typically run 6.5kV or higher. One challenge with electric fences is when weeds or trees grow into the fence. In the past they used to sell ‘weed free’ fences that would burn any weeds that came into contact with the fence. Then some wise guy realized that this kind of fence was responsible for massive prairie fires during the dry season :dribble:

Wild Animal: The joule rating steps up to deal with critters that are highly motivated and can withstand a more substantial jolt. These fences often have two or more sets of wires set a few inches apart so that any animal that gets in between the two or more sets of wires gets a substantially larger dose. The wire spacing may be vertical or horizontal.

Security fences: Often are intended to be fatal on contact. :angry:

Where is Fencer in this thread?

Edited: I didn't see FredW's post when I wrote this.

Edit II: TWN, PM me if you are interested in a home made hardware cloth based Mocking Bird fence... I've got some spiffy little power supplies that take 12VDC in and spit out 2kV.

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I was considering reduction surgery. It's nice to know there are other options.
