New bike, new owner :)

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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2012
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I purchased a brand new 2010 FJR yesturday. Traded in my 2001 FZ1 that I bought brand new way back in 01. So far so good. Got my GPS mounted, hard wire run to power it with. Moved the handlebars back and installed my aftermarket headlight bulbs. (stock wattage) Now the questions begin.

I checked the factory suspension settings and set them up to Yamaha recommended in the manual for now. What are the best settings for a factory suspension for a 2010 FJR?

I rode the bike home (about 80 miles or so) and I did notice that when the factory windshield is up I feel like someone is pushing my helmet forward. I dont like that at all. So, from all the millions of windshields that are available, what is the best over all windshield that I could purchase?

I am going to be installing the Oxford heated grips when it gets closer to winter. I am also going to be installing 2Brothers slip on exhaust and a power commander and have the bike custom tuned my Nels. The bike came with Z6 tires. I am sure they are fine for a factory tire but I will be changing to the PR3 tires or maybe a PR2 rear and a PP2ct for the front. The PR2 rear and PP2ct combo on the FZ1 was awesome.

Other than that, what other items should I look into that you think I would enjoy on my new FJR?

First of all, welcome to the forum, but everything you're wondering about has been discussed many times. Here's how to search: type something like--"windscreens" into Google. You'll find lots of threads with lots of thoughts and opinions. Then there's this link that does the whole thing for you. It's a good thing to put in your list of bookmarks.

As for "other items," try typing "farkles" into that search engine. Look back through the forum, too, including the pinned threads in the "New Forum Members" section on the main page.

Seems many have a favorite windshield but few agree to what it is. I actually like

the oem for summer spring and fall but it stays in the lowest position unless

it's raining. I've tried a couple after market shields but no nirvana yet.

I suggest buying used until you figure out what's best for you.

BTW I love my 2Bro's CF slip-on's. I did add the P1X power tips to make them

a bit quieter. They are about prefect to me. Congrats on the new machine.

For your suspension question, look here. Very good, all encompassing stock suspension info.

Other than that, the number one thing to put on immediately is a set of sliders.

Everything you asked is subjective. One guy likes this, one guy likes that. I have a tall shield for winter, and yes, when it's up, the blowback pushes my head forward. But it's warmer behind the tall shield. For summer I have the stock shield, which on my '03 is about 2" shorter than the rest of you morons with inferior FJRs. Plenty of wind in the face and upper chest for those hot summer days. But there is no "best" shield that everybody thinks is best.

That push forward is the feedback I feel for to determine how high to have the shield. I raise it until I feel the push forward and then lower just a bit. I run a Cal Sci shield year round. In the summer it stays down low.


I've only had my FJR for a few weeks but I've put 2500 miles on it. It's a used 2010 and it came with a MRA VarioScreen-Max Windshield. It can be seen here:

It has two parts and the upper part can be adjusted to change the overall height of the windshield. I've had the upper part of the two parts set in the middle position for most of the 2,500 miles of hot and humid weather riding. In that position I can see over the top of it when the electric motor has it at it's most upright position. I spend most of my time with the FJR's electric windshield motor set at it's lowest position. I like the wind on my chest because it lessens the strain on my arthritic shoulders and neck (I'm 65). There is a air channel between the two wind screen parts and when the FJR's motor has the screen in the low position the channel allows the air to flow through to hit me in the chest. When motor raises the screen to it's upright position the air channel creates a very calm space between the wind screen and rider but in the upright position my tank bag can introduce it's own turbulence but it's not enough to bother me. When I'm in heavy turbulence behind a truck or van I raise it to it's most upright position and after I pass the truck or van I lower it back to it's lowest position. I haven't ridden in any extreme downpours but in steady rain with the shield raised upright it keeps most, but not all of the rain off me. My radar detector didn't short out after 30 minutes of riding in the rain. I did ride a friend's FJR with a stock shield but I don't recall what it was like compared to the MRA.
