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Interesting writings and comments but one thing about Yamaha they are slow to react and thought someone commented about their bottom line ,prior. They are probably cautious in development monies as the bike industry is not doing well as is the world economies seem to be stagnant or spiraling in the wrong direction.

I am sure they get sufficient feedback from such forum chatter and someday ? ;)

but at this point all of the major motorcycle publications have stopped including it in the comparison tests?
...and this is a bad thing because?


Are you serious?


100% serious.

Why does it matter what the MC pubs think? The only include what's new and super groovy to them.

Can't a person decide on their own what bike they want? I mean, you know, the old fashioned way... Take a test ride. Compare the features THEY THEMSELF want. Compare the price tags...

I'm still likely buying an FJR...

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but at this point all of the major motorcycle publications have stopped including it in the comparison tests?
...and this is a bad thing because?


Are you serious?


100% serious.

Why does it matter what the MC pubs think? The only include what's new and super groovy to them.

Can't a person decide on their own what bike they want? I mean, you know, the old fashioned way... Take a test ride. Compare the features THEY THEMSELF want. Compare the price tags...

I'm still likely buying an FJR...
But you already know about it. Lots of people--even lots of bikers--have never heard of it. (What model BMW is that?)

It's not just about bragging rights or feel-good comparisons, although, sadly, a lot of people do find that important (thus the number of complaints the mags get every month because someone's pet bike is disincluded in some comparo).

Failure to include the FJR in the comparos gives the unintiated the impression that it is no longer competitive and thus not even a candidate for consideration, and while I agree with you that a person should decide on his/her own what bike to buy, how does a person gather information? Buy a bunch of STs and compare them, then sell off the ones you don't want?

Not being included causes sales to fall. If the FJR is not routinely included in comparos, then people who don't already know about it don't get a chance to hear about it and so CAN'T gather information and thus never get a chance to consider it. Thus fewer are sold. Thus more pressure is put on an already ailing Yamaha to discontinue or stop development on a poor-selling offering. And if the model is discontinued, then parts will eventually cease to be available.

Including it implies that it is still relevant and competitive.


but at this point all of the major motorcycle publications have stopped including it in the comparison tests?
...and this is a bad thing because?


Are you serious?


100% serious.

Why does it matter what the MC pubs think? The only include what's new and super groovy to them.

Can't a person decide on their own what bike they want? I mean, you know, the old fashioned way... Take a test ride. Compare the features THEY THEMSELF want. Compare the price tags...

I'm still likely buying an FJR...
But you already know about it. Lots of people--even lots of bikers--have never heard of it. (What model BMW is that?)
Again. Completely seriously.

Why do you care about what other people think?

So if you lost your FJR, what would youo have the insurance company buy for you?
Only because in my particular stage of life experience, age, job and marital status (basically I hate myself, my life and my prospects) I would have my insurance company buy me another FJR...

...but it would have to be a Gen II AE.

I REALLY hate myself these days. :finger:

but at this point all of the major motorcycle publications have stopped including it in the comparison tests?
...and this is a bad thing because?


Are you serious?


100% serious.

Why does it matter what the MC pubs think? The only include what's new and super groovy to them.

Can't a person decide on their own what bike they want? I mean, you know, the old fashioned way... Take a test ride. Compare the features THEY THEMSELF want. Compare the price tags...

I'm still likely buying an FJR...
But you already know about it. Lots of people--even lots of bikers--have never heard of it. (What model BMW is that?)
Again. Completely seriously.

Why do you care about what other people think?
But Fred, it's not a question of caring what other people think. I don't care what conclusion the magazines draws about the bike (well, that's not entirely true--I'd love it if it were universally recognized as the superior motorcycle that it is, but in a media culture that glorifies newness over just about everything else, that's not going to happen). I also don't care if the magazines say the bike is old, worn-out technology. I don't care if it comes out fifth of five S/Ts. I don't care if they don't actually test it but say, "This is where we think it would have come out based on our previous tests." I care only that the bike is mentioned. It's a case of bad publicity being better than no publicity.

People aren't given the opportunity to think/decide for themselves if the bike isn't mentioned and evaluated at all. It's only when a magazine mentions it, even if it's given a pan, that people can think for themselves and evaluate it themselves. Because so many readers don't know it even existe (a number that grows as time goes on and the bike is mentioned less and less), when it's not presented as an option at all, then people don't have the opportunity to think for themselves and make up their own minds because there's nothing there for them to evaluate. Tell me where else but in the magazines large numbers of prospective FJR buyers are going to hear about the bike in order to think for themselves and make up their minds about it and be given the opportunity to own a truly remarkable motorcycle?


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I don't hate you.

(I don't want to put that much effort into the emotional commitment that implies . . . .)

All better??


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Again. Completely seriously.

Why do you care about what other people think?
People aren't given the opportunity to think/decide for themselves if the bike isn't mentioned and evaluated at all. It's only when a magazine mentions it, even if it's given a pan, that people can think for themselves and evaluate it themselves.

Yeah, Those are the "other people" I was actually talking about. Not the magazine writers.

What does it matter to you if the bike that you ride is highly regarded by other people?

As long as it is still available and you know what attributes it has, why is it so important for it to be popular? :unsure:

"other bikes" is the answer. Just go get a weestrom or an fZ6...which are great bikes and perfect stablemates to the Feej.... Ride them for a week or two and then jump back on the FJR. See how it feels then. BAD ASS!

I would also have to get another AE if my bike was totalled btw.

and **** what the motorcycle media and bmw people think anyway)

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It's due for a styling update, no need for a bigger engine, wicked fast the way it is. Larger displacement just means worse gas mileage and I know none of us bought it for the outstanding mileage but I don't want one that gets worse mileage.
I still think the FJR is one of the best looking bikes out there. I don't like ANY of the other sport-tourer type bikes styling as much. I'd buy another just like it in a heartbeat.
+ 1000

Best looking ST in my book as well

+ 1000

Best looking ST in my book as well
If looks were the sole determining factor in buying an ST bike, I think I might come up with a few others that trump the Fat Ass Feejer:




Good choices, Fred....but now wait for all the Nancy's who'll come along cryin' about the chain drive....buncha gurlz!!

Well, since were talking updates, Id vote for putting the V-max engine powerpack into our beloved Fijjer and see how that works...

Just leave the rest alone. Other then that, if it aint broke-dont fix it

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