New FJR owner / Dumb question

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You know, I was in my too damn cold garage last night doing something when I remembered your post. I whipped out my tape measure, and I'll be dipped in dogsh*t, but my pipes were off EXACTLY like yours. :bigeyes:

Now, I have a pretty good eye, and haven't checked really close yet (just got my bike in January), but it appears to me when on the centerstand that my bike has a very slight lean to the right from the rider's perspective. I bet this is it, and others likely have the same!
Thanks for checking! I tend to have a real good eye for things on first glance and it drives my wife nuts (I tend to get a little like Monk on the TV show) as if I notice it isn't right it just drives me nuts!!! :D

I'll take another riders advice and just forget about it and start riding!!! :)

I've noticed what I thought was the same thing you are describing. One thing you should check though is does the bike actually stand straight up when it's on the center stand. It may lean to one side just enough to get one can higher than the other.

Get your level out and put it up against the rear tire while it's on the center stand.

When you get the first rock chip on the fairing like I did you will forget about the 1/4 inch exhaust problem :D
