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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
SE Arizona
Dear Darth Vader,

Finally decided that life was too short to ride a motorcycle I wasn't passionately involved with (sorry about the analogy). So I went down to the dealer here in town and bought an '07. I would have sold the ST and gone through the "will you take $$$ for it instead of $$$ (tear my hair out time) then looked for a used FJR, but in Arizona you only pay the difference between the price of the trade in and the new bike in taxes so I just went ahead and took the simpler route (great State to live in). :clapping:

Anyhow they had a buyer for the ST and I told him how well I took care of it over the past 8 months and 5000 miles, he seemed excited about the bike. The ST looked like it just rolled off the showroom, I'm not kidding. I liked the ST and if I were going to do a lot of long range touring I might have thought twice, but I think the FJR does the same job only with a grin on your face. IMO

My biggest downfall was riding a 2005 demo at the dealer. I rode it up hwy 83 to I-10 and back a month ago and it was like being bitten by a vampire (sorry again for the analogy). I really fell in love with the FJR, lots of power and fun in the twisties and a rocket on the interstate.

So I guess I'm going to hang around here and learn more about the bike. This ride has got to last me for a while though as it almost caused a rift in my 32 year marriage as I had only bought the ST last year. Hope this relationship works out as of right now I'm stoked about the bike. I rode it back to work, already have a coat of wax on it and after I get back from Houston next week I plan on putting those 600 miles on it ASAP. :yahoo:


Since the fjr is a better 2 up bike I think your significant other will enjoy this ride much more. I also came off a st and could not be happier. good luck and ride safe. Everett

Welcome aboard! (holding up a fist) "Luke, you dont know the power of the darkside."

To be honest, the reason I bought an FJR, is that it got better reviews than the ST and I dont have the experience to throw a leg over the goldwing quite yet. No regrets though, having 4k of seat time, the FJR is a really nice machine. And I am so excited about the up coming riding season. In May, me and another guy are going to attempt to earn our ironbutt 1000k certification. :w00t:

Oh, sh!t! This is the dark side? I thought I'd finally emerged into the light!

Cr@p! Oh,well- too late now- I also had some marital upset at going for the FJR after only putting 3K on my FZ1. Guess we'll just have to make it work, huh? (picture big snickering grin on face!)

See ya on the street!

Thanks to everyone for the "welcome".

Besides the FJR grabbing me big time I enjoyed this site and your comments etc. I'm looking forward to putting many miles on it. Things will settle down at home. My wife had all the logic on her side for sure, but when you really have the hots for an FJR logic gets tossed out the window.

Her logic:

1. You said the ST would go 200,000 miles. It will, but so will the FJR.2. You just got the ST and I like the passenger seat better than that BMW you had before. They tell me you'll like this seat as well.

3. You said the ST V-4 had tons of torque, aren't you happy with it?

3. You'll lose money on the ST, it's paid for and the FJR is more money. I know, I know.

4. It's a sportier bike and I'll bet the insurance is higher (she was right).

5. Why would you want to get rid of a perfectly good motorcycle? Guilty as charged.

Anyway, she's pure Gold and I'll have to earn back some of those brownie points soon.

Nice to be on board!


Having owned 2 FJRs and 1 STzzzz, IMhO, you made the right choice! Welcome to the fine world of FJRs!!! Enjoy!

DFO :clapping:

Remember, it is MUCH easier to get forgiveness than it is to get permission. You did the right thing, now you gotta get to work on the forigvness thing :p

Thanks to everyone for the "welcome".
Besides the FJR grabbing me big time I enjoyed this site and your comments etc. I'm looking forward to putting many miles on it. Things will settle down at home. My wife had all the logic on her side for sure, but when you really have the hots for an FJR logic gets tossed out the window.

Her logic:

1. You said the ST would go 200,000 miles. It will, but so will the FJR.2. You just got the ST and I like the passenger seat better than that BMW you had before. They tell me you'll like this seat as well.

3. You said the ST V-4 had tons of torque, aren't you happy with it?

3. You'll lose money on the ST, it's paid for and the FJR is more money. I know, I know.

4. It's a sportier bike and I'll bet the insurance is higher (she was right).

5. Why would you want to get rid of a perfectly good motorcycle? Guilty as charged.

Anyway, she's pure Gold and I'll have to earn back some of those brownie points soon.

Nice to be on board!


You think she doesn't understand now, just wait until you start to farkle your new love... :rolleyes:

I rode the new FJR up one of our twisty roads (Hwy 83) to I-10 east of Tucson. Man, I love this bike!!!!!

The FJR just takes me through the corners as if the darn bike knows what to do. I was at least 10MPH faster in every corner and the bike is just rock steady. But you guys already know that, don't you.

Things with the wife are all back to normal. She came out in the garage and gave me a hug, fixed me a salmon and aparagus dinner tonight and said "you're forgiven". Life is sweet!

I have to fly to Houston tomorrow but when I get back next week I'm going to take the "black cherry beauty" out for a long ride. Maybe take the wife along next weekend and ride down to Tubac for lunch.

I'm so darned stoked about this bike. I have no aprehension when I'm in tight quarters or at low speed, the bike just feels more manageable. :yahoo:

The braking, turning and shifting all seem seamless and much lighter. I had to panic stop for a signal that turned on me tonight and the FJR just tracked straight to a safe and controlled stop. Can't ask for more than that.


#1 - You got that smile frozen on your face..don't cha!
#2 - Are you saying you like the FJR over the ST? :blink: :)
How did you know? :rolleyes:

What's uncanny is that after I sold my Beemer and got the ST even though I liked the V-4 with all that torque, there was something missing. I almost sold the ST last September but then felt stupid about dumping a bike that was only 4 months old. But now that I have the FJR it's like meeting "Miss Right" or something. I rode hwy83 out and back and couldn't get that smile off my face. Yep, I'll take the FJR over the ST anyday. Both good bikes but the FJR just has it all in spades!


#1 - You got that smile frozen on your face..don't cha!
How did you know? :rolleyes:

What's uncanny is that after I sold my Beemer and got the ST even though I liked the V-4 with all that torque, there was something missing. I almost sold the ST last September but then felt stupid about dumping a bike that was only 4 months old. But now that I have the FJR it's like meeting "[SIZE=18pt]Miss Right[/SIZE]" or something. I rode hwy83 out and back and couldn't get that smile off my face. Yep, I'll take the FJR over the ST anyday. Both good bikes but the FJR just has it all in spades!

yup my wife calls my bike the other woman !!!!!

Welcome AZrider, I too sold a bike that was 6 months old to get an FJR, had mine since Oct, and the smile is still firmly in place :exhappysmiley: I just got back from a ride today on some nice NE Oregon twisties with my wife on back and she says the seat is a LOT more comfy than my old Honda was. This was the first time she has ridden through the twisties on the FJR and she couldn't believe how smooth and precise the handling was, although she's used to riding her bike and it handles like a slug :rofl: ,,,,,,Lee

Thanks to everyone for the "welcome".
Besides the FJR grabbing me big time I enjoyed this site and your comments etc. I'm looking forward to putting many miles on it. Things will settle down at home. My wife had all the logic on her side for sure, but when you really have the hots for an FJR logic gets tossed out the window.

Her logic:

1. You said the ST would go 200,000 miles. It will, but so will the FJR.2. You just got the ST and I like the passenger seat better than that BMW you had before. They tell me you'll like this seat as well.

3. You said the ST V-4 had tons of torque, aren't you happy with it?

3. You'll lose money on the ST, it's paid for and the FJR is more money. I know, I know.

4. It's a sportier bike and I'll bet the insurance is higher (she was right).

5. Why would you want to get rid of a perfectly good motorcycle? Guilty as charged.

Anyway, she's pure Gold and I'll have to earn back some of those brownie points soon.

Nice to be on board!

Get her a good passenger backrest ASAP! I just happen to know where you can get a real good one. See my webpage link below!

Dear Luke (AZ),

I get you're memo through today.

I very disappointed that you have happy thoughts flooding into your mind! You know you'll miss the Dark Side very soon. Farkling is the path to the Dark Side. You will be my farkle apprentice.

I arrived at a Yamahahahahaha (cough, cough) dealer yesterday to dispel this "FJR Perma-Grin" myth. I encountered a saleswoman by the name of Leia. She thinks way to much of herself, like she's some kind of a princess or something. Do you know her? I'll deal with her insubordinate behavior later! I took an FJR (Jedi mind trick on Leia) and controlled it as it's master. I pushed it faster, and faster, and faster. I started to have strange facial sensations, unlike any that I've had, since before that tragic night on Mustafar. I could sense that something was wrong with my mouth.

What???? It can't be!!! It looks like a, smile! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Your Father,

D. Vader


The 07 FJR is now sitting beside my speeder.

Don't tell Yoda. He'll never let me live this one down.

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