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Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
Binghamton, NY
Well, I got bored this evening and decided to conjur up a set of risers for my '04. With the larger CB shield, I don't get the benefit of the wind helping keep the weight off my arms, so they get tired on longer rides. I figured a set of higher risers would push me back to a more vertical position. So here they are: ;)


This would be a winter project fer shur. Think they'll work?


I'd be very interested in a set, if you decide to go ahead with making it. I have genmar risers right know but would like it a little more back than I am. (or more upright) Let me know what happens.

I'll also have a chech in the mail this week for those light brackets. I recieved your pm. Thanks and I will talk to a little later.


If someone made a set that were up for the hwy, then you could adjust them back down in 10 min or so... I think that might sell quite a few. Just my 2 cents.

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I think you've hit on a great idea. :thumbup:

I'm curious...did you place the risers on a shared "axle" on purpose to keep the risers parallel during adjustment and only having one adjustment fore-aft for both grips or was that just intuitive luck?

Have you considered putting a second axle, or crossbar, between the grip adjusters, something like this:


Might make for a very convenient place to mount equipment, or a water bottle holder.

Also, do you envision the rotation points on the grip uprights and at the bottom crossbar mounts to be splined or smooth. I know splining them would limit the degree of adjustability, but would be stronger/less chance for unwanted movement IMHO.

Have you considered putting a second axle, or crossbar, between the grip adjusters, something like this:
Might make for a very convenient place to mount equipment, or a water bottle holder.
This is an excellent idea...

