New Hampshire cracks down on loud motorcycle pipes

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Blind Squirrel

Well-known member
Aug 31, 2009
Reaction score
Lexington, SC
Riders in the North Hampton area of New Hampshire will be held to the state's 106-decibel noise limit, and police may go after violators' motorcycle registrations, according to a joint announcement by law enforcement.


I don't know if I have the popular opinion on this subject. But it's about damn time. I hate loud motorcycles. I love bikes and some of those Harleys are absolutely beautiful machines, but some of them are ungodly loud. There's no reason a guy needs to run straight pipes on a bike. We don't let cars run around like that and motorcyclists should be just as considerate. I'm OK with some noise and growl, don't get me wrong, but some of those bikes are really over the line. And I know it's not just Harleys, some other bikes are loud too, but it seems the Harley group is the most consistent offender in the excess noise area. I think the new law seems pretty reasonable and I'm glad to see it. If the industry won't regulate itself then the Man will do it for them.

I want to know how they plan on enforcing it. Are they going to give the officers equipment to measure the decibel level? I would love to see them actually starting to do something about the really load bike, and cars for that matter, but I think this is just something on paper, and not something they are really going to enforce.

I want to know how they plan on enforcing it. Are they going to give the officers equipment to measure the decibel level? I would love to see them actually starting to do something about the really load bike, and cars for that matter, but I think this is just something on paper, and not something they are really going to enforce.
That looks to be the case. From the full version of the story: "Officers will be out all summer to offer riders with loud pipes “free testing,” on the theory that those who are unaware they are violating the law will correct the issue. Those who intentionally violate the law will find authorities are serious about toning down the noise."

Interestingly, North Hampton is the home of one of the area's largest and swankiest Harley dealerships. The loud traffic in and out of that place on the weekends is incredible.


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Wow, 106db is really loud and well over the Federal limit. :eek: :blink: Anything other than straight pipes should pass. :)

I agree. Anyone that fails the 106 dBa limit deserves a ticket. I do not condone FAGS running straight pipes. I completely undersstand why that pisses the public off, because it pisses me off too.

However, I am a little bit concerned about how they actually do the testing, which goes completely unmentioned in the article.

There is an official test procedure for measuring the exhaust noise spelled out in the NH state regs. Hopefully they will be adhering to that.

I'd also very much like to see them apply the 106 dB limit to all other vehicles. That should be automatic.

I agree. Anyone that fails the 106 dBa limit deserves a ticket. I do not condone FAGS running straight pipes. I completely undersstand why that pisses the public off, because it pisses me off too.
This past weekend I went on my first over-night ride of the season up to Thunder Bay. Didn't make it, but I ended up spending the night in Terrace Bay, about 200km from Thunder Bay. Woke up in the morning to thick pea soup fog and rain and said piss on it and turned around to come home.

At a lunch stop, two loud HD's go past the Dunkin Donuts. I knew these guys. I figured I'd finish my lunch and probably catch up to them at Wawa. Got on the bike and went 1/2 a mile and theirs the two HD's in a restaurant. I pull in, stick my head around the corner and get a "HOLY SHIT ITS STEVE!" from Gitte and Cornell. After the pleasantries I decide to ride back with them as far as Sault Saint Marie. I had mentioned to them that I saw 1 black bear and 4 moose on the trip up. They had seen none.

As soon as Cornell fired up his Screaming Eagle Road Soft Glide FLCXH Anniversary Ultra Edition I knew why they hadn't seen any animals.

They could hear them coming 21 miles away!

No shit, his bike was so loud that when we pulled out on the highway it triggered the mic on my headset!


Needless to say, I rode behind for about 12 seconds before I decided to lead.

Later in the day we pulled over to peel off the rainsuits. Cornell says to me "Why do you wear earplugs with a full face helmet?"

"Because I like my hearing"


No joke.

Bout damn time they enforced the noise law. The equip is out there and easy to use.

I would love it if they would did it where i live in West Seattle. Feckin Pirates ride off the ferry and try to wake the dead at 5am, 6am and 7am every feckin morning. Feckin Pirates :angry2: Not so bad since i put in double pane windows. But seriously, how much of an A hole do you have to be to try to wake up entire neighborhoods every morning?

On another note; I hear there is a new push by State Patrol to clear the deadwood out of the passing lanes here in WA. Amen to that. :clapping:

Bout damn time they enforced the noise law. The equip is out there and easy to use.
They have been selectively enforcing the state noise regs here for many years. Mostly at the annual safety inspections each June (which I know many states don't have but wonder why). Problem is, if you know another 'bro with a shop they'll flaunt that and give the stickers. Plus about haldf the bikes on the road don't even bother to get them, and the Po-po don't enforce it.

On another note; I hear there is a new push by State Patrol to clear the deadwood out of the passing lanes here in WA. Amen to that. :clapping:
Oh!! My other pet peave. I'd pay extra for that to happen!
