Awesome paint job! Understated but elegant. :clap: :clap:
Self taught, although I cannot take credit for the actuall spraying process. A friend of mine sprayed the base and clear. I did all the prep, priming, sanding, and repair.Love the color and your workmanship is outstanding. Are you in the industry, or self taught?
They adhere with a rubber compound that is a real PITA to remove from the lid. The rubber strip pictured removes from the bag easy enough, but the rubber filling stays.Alex
How are the sidecase rubber strips fitted. It is difficult to see from the pictures?
Do they come off easy?
How do you put them back on?
I need to respray my sidecases and am loathe to start pulling off the strips when I don't yet know what I am doing.
Any chance of a close up pic.
Nope, I live in Nebraska along with 2 other fjr owners that I know of.Very nice bro. Your friend wouldn't happen to live in SoCal would he?