New Safety farkle

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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2008
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Given the vast majority of WA drivers, who are polite but incompetent, I am pretty paranoid about adding safety farkles to make me more conspicuous to cagers. Did the FJR saddle bag reflectors, the BackOff XP and dual LED license place frame. Yesterday, was at the Beemer dealer (killing time) and saw this, which was an easy buy at $70:


[Not me in the pix]

Had looked at the usual "glowear" products which are cheap ($15) but not really well made nor built for motorcyclists. This Nova is pretty cool, made of Cordura, has waterproof pockets. and is as well constructed as a jacket. It fits perfectly over my Firstgear Denali jacket, and you have to be retired with cateracts and wearing those "terminator style clip on sunglasses not to notice the hi viz yellow and reflector tape.

Clicky for manufacturer info

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Hmmmm. I know it is the smart thing to do...but it's a yellow safety vest. Makes me think of the crossing guards at school. Probably a good invest for winter riding in these parts.

I got a $20 OSHA reg vest that fits over whatever I wear. Noticed that cars started moving over quicker as I came up behind them for some reason. Could have to do with the fact that the local law enforcers use these also. :)

In for a penny, in for a pound, I figured. (See Avatar at left.)

I have an Olympia Air Glide II in dayglo. Great jacket. But also just bought a Fieldsheer Quattro in the same magic hue for a bit more winter warmth.

Yes, I occasionally feel like a trash collector or cop impersonator. But mostly, I just feel more comfortable being seen and not hit. This state has a huge share of poor drivers. We call them Massholes.
