New TV show in production

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They just finished filming and will spend the next 4 to 6 weeks editing 76 digital tapes to make one 30 minute show. Take out commercial time, background shots of the city, and Willie's stand up, that ends up being 76 digital tapes to make roughly 15 to 17 minutes of interaction.

My biggest fear is that I end up looking like the dork I know I am, but now it'll be on national television! Ugh!

Looks like a keeper from this end :clapping:

Hope it's required watching by our local PD! These boys need to learn a little about occasional humor :unsure:

Good luck an enjoy yerself.


Man, that looks like a hoot... let us know when it airs.

I use to live near Roseburg... small logging ville called Tiller. Loved Oregon.

Good luck with the show.


They just finished filming and will spend the next 4 to 6 weeks editing 76 digital tapes to make one 30 minute show. Take out commercial time, background shots of the city, and Willie's stand up, that ends up being 76 digital tapes to make roughly 15 to 17 minutes of interaction.
My biggest fear is that I end up looking like the dork I know I am, but now it'll be on national television! Ugh!

John Candy, Drew Carey, John Bulushi, and Chris Farley all had to start somewhere. :rolleyes: Just don't let them shoot your profile!!!

You'll do fine. I will be looking forward to the premier!

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The network is reviewing the pilot this week. If the network accepts it, it will probably premier in the next six weeks. If they pan it, it could go back for an edit tweak, or killed outright. The producer said he estimates an 80% chance of it airing based on preliminary reviews. I've seen a rough cut of it. I think it's funny, but, that's cuz I know all those involved.

The chief signed off on it, so did the city attorney and the district attorney (DA looked at it cuz one of his employees has a role too- Jason, you met her at the last movie night).

We'll see. I'm nervous about it, but resolved that it will be what it is. My biggest issue is, now instead of being a dork to those that know me, I'll be a dork on national TV. of his employees has a role too- Jason, you met her at the last movie night.
:chickawow: :wub:

My biggest issue is, now instead of being a dork to those that know me, I'll be a dork on national TV.
Talk about throwin' up softballs. I'll have to come back to this later after I decide on my favorite response to that statement. So many come to mind at the moment...

I will let you know when the pilot episode is scheduled to be broadcast on the A & E Network, possibly in November. If the pilot tests well, it will get picked up for a full season. My role in the show is simply being their supervisor. But, it's been a lot of fun!

Let's hope it's a success!

Awesome! After almost 20years of ER nursing and working closely with local PD....I know you have lots of funny stuff to share. Willie looks to be the kind of guy we would all love to have on our team. CONGRATULATIONS....not just for the show...but for being fortunate enough to work with Willie! Laughter is the BEST medicine!

My biggest issue is, now instead of being a dork to those that know me, I'll be a dork on national TV.
Yeah, but for days of filming and answering their questions, you might maybe possibly be on the tube for a sentence or two. Or when they caught you scratching your butt.

Know what's better? You'll forevermore know when reruns put you back on the little screen, because we'll all be there to remind you! :yahoo:

Seriously, congrats and have fun with it!


Looks good fun, I hope it gets aired in the UK...doubt it but I will watch it if it is.

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Looks like it'll be a great show! I work with cops and enjoy their sense of humor, especially how it relates to the grind of their daily jobs. Hope the show makes it on air.

Looks like it'll be a great show! I work with cops and enjoy their sense of humor, especially how it relates to the grind of their daily jobs. Hope the show makes it on air.

Looks good from that trailer, Pony. Should be a hoot. I'll definitely watch. :lol:

I got a kick out of the part about the perps giving up the confession when threatened with CSI tactics. I can see that happening...

I'm in the midst of making a decision about refurbishing my living room, which would mostly consist of a big screen TV, related furniture, and either cable or satellite hookup to serve it -- a dilemma, since I very seldom watch TV and only get 4 or 5 channels with the rabbit ears.

But if THAT show is going to be on A&E, it'll be one more thing that pushes me in the direction of the TV and reception upgrade (along with getting MotoGP races). That trailer had me laughing out loud -- Willie is one funny guy, who would seem to be a gas to have around to work with. Loved the seatbelt thing, getting pulled over, the reggae music back and forth, and "one of those guys", among other things. :lol:

Keep us posted.
