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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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Hi Guys-

It has been 2005 since we last spoke, and I am trying to determine if I should go for a '13 FJR over buying a used one or something else. The price is starting to get close to BMW (R1200RT) money and BMW seems to give you more gadgets to play with in flight albeit they are more money. There is also the Concours too.

I am not really sure if I need traction control or ABS. My 05 FJR had neither and it wasn't a big deal at the time. I also had electronic suspension adjustment on my RT, although I never used it. The real biggie for me is the heated stuff and Cruise control. The New FJR has Cruise Control (Yippie!!) but it is still a 5 speed (awwww :( ) It does have the heated Grips as well, but no seat heat (I think.)

I put an audiovox Css-100 on my last FJR, and can do that again if need be. The Concours has 6 speeds, and the RT has everything but an exciting engine. Is it worth going to the New FJR?

Anyway those are my thoughts. I would love to hear yours.

MODs- Please delete duplicate posts. I am not sure how that happened.

Buy what makes you happy. IMHO, the 2013 FJR is a complete machine for what it is intended to do.

I have yet to hear of a logical explanation as to why this bike, or any other sport-touring bike needs 6 gears.

Did a few test rides in the last year (K1600GT/GTL, R1200RT, Triumph Trophy SE), all because I thought the world would be a better place if my SO and I were more comfortable on long distance rides. Ended up buying a Russel Day Long, and building a custom mount for the Givi that moves it back 1 inch. In some sense this was a "WTF am I thinking?" response to the $19K to $24K OTD prices for the above motorcycles. But the point is that the FJR is a great all-round machine and possibly the best value for money on the market. Not perfect by any means, but good enough with a small amount of investment.

That said, if money were no object, I would go for the K1600GTL. The R1200RT just didn't do it for me in the power department. I did like the Trophy but it wasn't as comfortable as either of the BMWs for me - YMMV.

So, I'm going to wait until 2015 and re-evaluate the options on the market then.

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-cid="1056101" data-author="str8"><p>Buy what makes you happy. IMHO, the 2013 FJR is a complete machine for what it is intended to do.<br /> <br />I have yet to hear of a logical explanation as to why this bike, or any other sport-<strong>touring</strong> bike needs 6 gears.</p></blockquote><br />

It is so you have more things to do and IF SET UP AS A OVERDRIVE it would allow you to easily lug the engine with a touring load...This engine has a wide enough torque range that under normal use a three speed would suffice..RPM is not a problem with a properly designed engine....If you want to dog around the rev renge buy a harley truck......

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I liked that last post. For normal acceleration I typically shift first to third, third to fifth, the motor is just fine with this...Maybe the FJR should be a 3 gear motorcycle....LOL. I think some guys think it macho to shift all the time. HA!


You will only look for 6th if you had something that had it once, or if your buddies ask... the FJR simply doesnt require another gear. Overdrive is ok for a large american V8 in a truck or van, but I found it was way overrated on any bike I have ever ridden.

I have a freind with a brand new Connie... loves the bike, hates the keyless fob... he said he will like it when it unlocks the bags too, because its more of a pain than a regular key in that respect, and he is deathly afraid of losing the one fob (read as only one ONE) that came with the bike.

If you will be doing the work yourself, or if money IS an object, put the maintenance schedules for all the bikes you are considering on a table in front of you and do some math. I can't speak to the BMW's, but between the Connie and the Feej, I'm going to be doing more riding and less wrenching.

I'm in agreement with str8, that the FJR simply doesn't need 6 speeds. I rode the Concours before buying my 2013 FJR and felt the FJR was a better touring bike for me.

The cruise control (Yippie!!) ;) on my FJR is the best cruise control I've ever had on a motorcycle. There's no discernible lag when setting or resuming, and if I accelerate past it and release the throttle it returns to the preset speed with no drama whatsoever.

I'm like you on traction control and ABS. I've never had it, and it's never been a big deal. But it sure doesn't hurt to have it, and it may just save my butt sometime. And speaking of butts, I've just never understood the concept of heated seats. I've never had a problem with that part getting cold. But then I've never had one, so .....

Check out the latest issue of Consumer Reports.(May 2013). According to the article, Yamahas have fewer problems than BMWs. Combine that with the dealership network, and I'm just more comfortable leaving town on a Yamaha.

Buy what makes you happy. IMHO, the 2013 FJR is a complete machine for what it is intended to do.
I have yet to hear of a logical explanation as to why this bike, or any other sport-touring bike needs 6 gears.
You are the only one who can answer the question ("which bike is best for me?") because... There is no "correct" answer.

I've enjoyed my Wingabago for ten years. But the FJR is so much more of what I want that, when my bride isn't along, the Honda sits in the garage.


Six gears? It's already too easy to forget that I'm still in fourth at 80...

Old Guy-

I never thought I would need a seat heater either until I got caught in a snow storm in Butte Montana. :) They are also good for Cold Seattle mornings too, but for sure not a necessity. I am in disagreement with most here as I feel the FJR despirately needs a 6 speed. At least that is what I felt on my 2005.

All of my BMW's have been flawless. The simple fact is that they are just getting too expensive.I am having a hard time with 16000 for an FJR. But I guess you have to pay to play.

Old Guy-I never thought I would need a seat heater either until I got caught in a snow storm in Butte Montana.
They are also good for Cold Seattle mornings too, but for sure not a necessity. I am in disagreement with most here as I feel the FJR despirately needs a 6 speed. At least that is what I felt on my 2005.

All of my BMW's have been flawless. The simple fact is that they are just getting too expensive.I am having a hard time with 16000 for an FJR. But I guess you have to pay to play.
$16,000? Man! Maybe pricing is different in different parts of the country, but around here they're in the mid 14s. I expect that virtually any name brand motorcycle will be pretty trouble free. Japanese bikes may be less so by the numbers, but in real life it may not matter much.

Maybe I need to try one of those bun warmers ;)

If I were you, I wouldn't even be considering an FJR. If you felt that your 2005 desperately needed a 6 speed, you're gonna feel the same about the newer FJR's, still only got 5.

Only you can determine the best bike for your situation. Since you mentioned used...

If I needed a FJR right now it would be a late model GENII. For no more than $10K you can pick up a clean low mile '09 - '11 [probably with extras] and pocket the left over $$$. Spring for an aftermarket suspension set-up and you'll have a better bike than anything costing thousands more.

Just my $.02


If I were you, I wouldn't even be considering an FJR. If you felt that your 2005 desperately needed a 6 speed, you're gonna feel the same about the newer FJR's, still only got 5.
That does make sense because you sure can't fix it.

I got to wondering how much difference there really is and pulled a Connie owner's manual. "Overall drive ratio" in 6th is 3.402. The FJR manual wasn't kind enough to calculate it for me, but using the primary times the secondary times 5th gear (1.563 * 2.698 * .929) I get 3.918. On top of that, the Connie has a larger rear tire, but I'm not sure how much difference that'd make in circumference.

I can see why some think it needs 6th, but whether it does or not would be strictly the opinion of the rider.

Yes...The FJR needs a 6th gear, or a taller 5th. Except the FJR runs at highway speeds in 5th gear at lower RPMS than just about everyone else does in 6th gear.

Hell...Maybe the FJR doesn't need 6 gears. Maybe the competition needs 7 of them. What is it with people thinking more gears makes them cooler. Gimme a break.

Yes...The FJR needs a 6th gear, or a taller 5th. Except the FJR runs at highway speeds in 5th gear at lower RPMS than just about everyone else does in 6th gear.
Hell...Maybe the FJR doesn't need 6 gears. Maybe the competition needs 7 of them. What is it with people thinking more gears makes them cooler. Gimme a break.
Hey, if Formula One gets 7 speeds, I want 7 of 'em ;)

The ZRX comes with a 5-speed, and several of the riders have installed 6-speeds out of ZX-11s. Low gear is nearly exactly the same, and 6th is slightly higher than the 5th they used to have. I'm like you in that I just don't see the need with the torque the bike's got. But if it makes them happy, what do I care?

Buddy of mine just bought a 1600GT and IMO it's not worth 10K more, we've been all over the place and there isn't anything he does the FJR won't do. He has all the whizbang inflight stuff for sure but it doesn't get you to the biker cafe any sooner. I think pilots like all the gadgets and I do as well, but if you factor in servicing there is a rather large difference between BMW and the Feej. The buddy is already dreading the 18K service on his, I waited til 40K for the valve check on my 05 and came out with no problems. The buddy can easily afford anything he wants and if you can too then just grab whichever one suits the fancy..........

I guess when you buy the GT or GTL, its all about Rider Comfort issues and the Gizzys. My buddy has one and loves it. He should, its a very nice bike and very close to $30,000 with all cash and prizes.

I just rode a 2013 FJR last night. It is the first time I have been on one since my 05. Love the dash and Cruise control was flawless. The bike seemed almost identical to what I remember on my 05. And yes, I still think it needs a 6th gear. Not to be cool, but just to lower the revs on the freeway.

I change the mapping from Tour to Sport and didn't seem to notice a difference on my short test ride. I was quoted 16,500 all said & done after the Governor robs me.

When I compare a 2013 FJR to a used one for say $9000, it gets hard for me to justify $7500 for Cruise, Traction, and ABS.I guess there is the updated look too.

