New Years resolution?

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
Dean Springs, AR
I've never been much for keepin' 'em, so I seldom make 'em.

But today, I scheduled an appointment for a physical exam Jan 23.

I'm thinkin' it might be time to start takin' care of myself....

So, here's mine. Eat better, drink less, and exercise more. :good:

I remember the time I was 160 some pounds, felt fit and healthy and was a I am a non smoker, 210 pounds with diabetes and a CPAP

2009 is the year to take off the lard and reduce the glucose levels

well I will seriously try even though I know how tough a road it is.

The big bonus is a few more years of riding the beast!


well I will seriously try even though I know how tough a road it is.Alfred
I'm with Alfred here. Still working on the diet and exercise plan. I've made some big changes that will help e.g. joined a running club, joined Weightwatchers, got a big puppy that will become a very big dog and needs a lot of exercise. That should do for starters.


I resolve to masturbate less frequently, be less of a *******, have less sex with the neighbor lady, an lie less to the wife.

Lotsa less's there.... Guess I'm less likely to keep 'em :p


I resolve to masturbate less frequently, be less of a *******, have less sex with the neighbor lady, an lie less to the wife.
Lotsa less's there.... Guess I'm less likely to keep 'em :p


What a "*******"

I still love ya anyway. :kiss:

Don't do New Year resolutions ,, I always thought they were dumb..

I don't do amateur night either,,,

Had the grandkids stay over last night ,,, fixed pizza for them ,,

drank a couple beers with my pizza ,, went to bed before 12:00..

I do enough dumb things thru the year,, don't need a special night

to do Really dumb stuff ,, and make silly resolutions...

Spend more time riding... and more time with my wiife. Since I was overseas for most of last year,and spent almost no time with either, I should have no trouble.

keep the stress low

continue to live consciously and presently

the rest will fall in place

oh and ride the bike to MN this summer!

I will finally install the fenda extenda that's been sitting on my floor since last April. I will also finalyze my kevlar clothing order with Wayne which I've been putting off since last June. Also I intend to not work too much overtime at work starting next week so I can extend my job. Yep, gonna have layoffs soon and I'm salary so if I can squeeze a few more weeks out before being laid off will help me financially.

I've been wanting to conquer some 14'ers here in Colorado so this is the year to do it.

Further, I will pick my nose less in public, fart more in elavators, stop requesting Ace of Bass songs at the clubs, and make my bed at least 5 times this year.

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oh and ride the bike to MN this summer!
Let me know when you're going up; you may have a riding buddy. I fly home every year for a mini-vacation with my bud that works for Polaris, and would rather not ride a Victory again.... ;)
