Newest Aft defense system installed

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If I were a genius I would have been able to fix This, I think I'm more of a Mad Scientist. If the Folks from DynoJet knew who they were dealing with, They may have been more helpful this morning on the phone.

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Traffic is pretty light where I live and commute, but I did once have a young lady tailgating me while she put on her makeup. She was obviously just keeping me in her peripheral vision and pacing me. A little squirt from something like this might have gotten her to pay attention.
I used to ride an H2 and run dino 2-cycle oil. It would smoke some while riding, and really worked up a cloud if I got on the gas hard. I lived in a high traffic area back then and I used to crank it up and 'give 'em some smoke' to shake off tailgaters. It worked very well.

So, in the original spirit of this thread, I'm thinking that the diesel pump could be used to squirt a little oil of some sort inside the hot exhaust. The nasty stuff would come out the pipe. Tailgater would not know that you had done it on purpose, and it would make them back off a bit.
I love this thread! Lighten up people! I run a programmer on my diesel PU and I smoke out ******** who tailgate. That black smoke goes in their vents, stinks up their vehicle, and they back off cause they think something happened! Plus, when they try to pass, they find out the turbo diesel ain't no snail and they keep getting black smoke! Usually get the 1 finger salute when they finally do go by! lol I just wave back! KUDO's CD!

I found out my turbo diesel was governed at 105mph, boy was I pissedwhen the bitch in the Volvo made it by me! LOL
I believe with my Predator programmer for my Duramax, you can delete the speed limiter. Personnally, I don't need the truck for triple digit speeds. I have other toys for that! lol :rolleyes:

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If you live in a high traffic area N.Y.C , LA , etc you better be good at lane splitting or your going to get yourself killed .Hit the wrong guy with his gun under the seat or the bat in the back seat , or the people that can get you info from your plate number (its not that hard to do ) and he will be waiting in front of your house for you to come home .Just a THOUGHT from someone that had oil sprayed on his windshield .

Kudo's for being the one guy in 1000 that actually does something like this instead of just talking about it.

very nice detail work on the firing switch.

I think salting the spray fluid with cat urine or some equally pungent additive would increase the effectivness of the system.

Daily Commuter thanks for the laughs. It reinforces my statements to newbies to the forum that this is a very interesting and funny place. I like people with a good sense of humor and you certainly appear to be one of those. Can't wait for your next brainstorm.

Most of my brainstorms are never executed, only podered and forgotten. But I do have one more in mind for the feej so stay tuned.... I really want to come up with a smoke screen. I'm thinking a small paintball gun co2 cylinder and a delivery to the tailpipes... I'll figure it out sooner or later

not. I'm just sayin' it took a while (3 pages) for someone to actually "get it" that's all
I've been trying all morning to fashion up a .GIF with a FJR and a flamethrower out it's ass. I'm having trouble though.... need help making gifs...
By the time I read your post there were at least 8 pages to go through. My reply is on page 8, but it would have been on page 1 given the opportunity. Your post did give some of the members a chance, other than jumping a newbie for not using the search functions, to show their superior knowledge of everything. Keep up the good work. By the way I don't have any plans to use your latest innovation on my bike.

Over the edge, insane, but very cool. Could get you in trouble.... sure, that never stopped anyone!
