Nice Video, tought that you would like to see it !

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Ahhhh JD2, one of my favs.

Like ponyfool, this is a two-edged sword for me too. Guys like Christian who perform in shows (the guy does tricks with a trials bike that has no forks/front wheel... :dribble: ) are truly amazing. I don't delude myself into thinking I'll ever have the skills they have.

On the other hand, the clowns who choose to "practice" on public roads deserve to have the book thrown at them. No excuses.

I work with a "stunta" who somehow manages to survive every weekend (he commutes on his tricked modded trashed Gixxer daily). He's received enough crap from me over the years that he doesn't bring up his exploits anymore. He's in his mid 20's and still thinks "it can't happen to me... again." :glare: Between myself and several other co-workers who ride, we've convinced our friend to keep in on deserted, industrial lots.

Oh yeah... The brief clips you see in the video only show part of the story. Do some digging because the ending of some of them are hilarious. Case in point, the kid who trashes his blue R6 (blue helmet & jacket) goes on to throw a monster hissy-fit which includes him throwing his $400 helmet. While his friends are assessing the damage to the R6, the front brake lever comes off in a guys hand (he quickly stuffs the lever in what's left of the fairing.) I wonder if he was still making payments? :D

Squids make it hard for the rest of us to get any respect while we are on the road. I have encountered quite a few aggressive cagers over the years that apparently hate kids on sportbikes..... and confuse me as one of them.

I agree there is a place and time for everything. This kind of crap doesn't belong on the street, when and if these ******** get caught I hope they throw the book at them. I'm not thinking about these clowns just like they don't think about anyone beside themself. Most people who drive from day to day take it seriously (granted there are some who could care less, thank GOD they are in the minority)

Take the innocent young person, a mother with her kids in the car, or anyone just driving down the road. All of the sudden they get involved in an accident they had absolutely nothing to do with which results in the death of some kid who used to have big balls doing these stupid stunts on the highway with their bike. Yeah all of their buddies are so hurt one of their own has passed on. What about these innocent people who wee involved in this mess? Watching someone die in some stupid way can not only ruin people, but can somehow make them think they were the one's responsible for that persons death.

I agree watching skilled riders do this type of thing is a rush, and there is a place for it. But I disagree when someone says it's their bike and their right to ride wherever and however they want. Our kids don't need to see this carnage out on our roadways, they will see enough in their own time as it is. One other issue is these kids are some parents children, I'm fairly sure if they saw their kids doing this kind of crap on the roads the parents would be all over their ass. They should remember there are people who gave birth to them and raised them, if nothing else they should think about someone else beside themself and remember they do have people who care about and love them. And to the few who say "This ain't gonna happen to me" guess what? There are Funeral homes full of youngsters who have thought that very same thing. WISE UP.

Do your deal and have a blast, but not on the street!

I agree there is a place and time for everything. This kind of crap doesn't belong on the street, when and if these ******** get caught I hope they throw the book at them. I'm not thinking about these clowns just like they don't think about anyone beside themself. Most people who drive from day to day take it seriously (granted there are some who could care less, thank GOD they are in the minority)
Take the innocent young person, a mother with her kids in the car, or anyone just driving down the road. All of the sudden they get involved in an accident they had absolutely nothing to do with which results in the death of some kid who used to have big balls doing these stupid stunts on the highway with their bike. Yeah all of their buddies are so hurt one of their own has passed on. What about these innocent people who wee involved in this mess? Watching someone die in some stupid way can not only ruin people, but can somehow make them think they were the one's responsible for that persons death.

I agree watching skilled riders do this type of thing is a rush, and there is a place for it. But I disagree when someone says it's their bike and their right to ride wherever and however they want. Our kids don't need to see this carnage out on our roadways, they will see enough in their own time as it is. One other issue is these kids are some parents children, I'm fairly sure if they saw their kids doing this kind of crap on the roads the parents would be all over their ass. They should remember there are people who gave birth to them and raised them, if nothing else they should think about someone else beside themself and remember they do have people who care about and love them. And to the few who say "This ain't gonna happen to me" guess what? There are Funeral homes full of youngsters who have thought that very same thing. WISE UP.

Do your deal and have a blast, but not on the street!
Amazing video.

I agree with the comments regarding the general public (cagers etc) lumping us in the same bracket as (squids if you like)!

For me I have no problem if they can practice in the safety of a drag racing area, but not on public roads.

Even for my, cough cough, tender age of 49, riding my crotch rocket gives me another dimension to my riding enjoyment. When I want to put the "rocket" through it's paces, then you will see me at the track for this purpose.

What amazes me about the video are the mulitple wrecks of those beautiful sport bikes. No wonder I will not purchase a pre-owned bike from a rider I don't know, unless I know first hand the history of that pre-owned bike.

Further, have you peeps ever thought about the finance charges these young stunters would face (I am assuming many have their bike's financed) because of a totalled bike and no insurance coverage. Here is WA State many young riders do not have to carry insurance, not a State requirement.

Lastly, when a group of friends were at Alki beach early last summer, many young riders appeared with girl friends in tow. About an hour later the road in and out of Alki (near Tulleys coffee house) was blocked with some of these "squids" whilst a couple of guys were doing stunts. Po Po could not get through and it really p****d off a lot of cagers trying to get through.

Call me what you want, but this type of stupidity gives ALL bikers a bad name in the eyes of "Joe Public" and makes me very upset to think I am judged by what I ride!

Rant off.

Ride safe.

Wouldn't break my heart or cause me to lose sleep if those ********* doing this on public roads are killed or maimed while performing their stunts. Unfortunately, they usually take out innocent people in the process.

Ahhhh JD2, one of my favs.

Like ponyfool, this is a two-edged sword for me too. Guys like Christian who perform in shows (the guy does tricks with a trials bike that has no forks/front wheel... :dribble: ) are truly amazing. I don't delude myself into thinking I'll ever have the skills they have.

On the other hand, the clowns who choose to "practice" on public roads deserve to have the book thrown at them. No excuses.

I work with a "stunta" who somehow manages to survive every weekend (he commutes on his tricked modded trashed Gixxer daily). He's received enough crap from me over the years that he doesn't bring up his exploits anymore. He's in his mid 20's and still thinks "it can't happen to me... again." :glare: Between myself and several other co-workers who ride, we've convinced our friend to keep in on deserted, industrial lots.

Oh yeah... The brief clips you see in the video only show part of the story. Do some digging because the ending of some of them are hilarious. Case in point, the kid who trashes his blue R6 (blue helmet & jacket) goes on to throw a monster hissy-fit which includes him throwing his $400 helmet. While his friends are assessing the damage to the R6, the front brake lever comes off in a guys hand (he quickly stuffs the lever in what's left of the fairing.) I wonder if he was still making payments? :D

Okay, about the "nice video". . . when I look at something like this I get this sick feeling that there's nothing left in the deep end of the gene pool. What will it next take to entertain the multitude, guts exploding on impact? Yes, there is a great deal of skill in the handling of these new superbikes but when skill becomes overridden by absolute lack of not only common sense but the total inability to determine what is . . . what the hell, I'm off on a rant. . . after all, this all seems to be acceptable in human behavior, just go to any large "happening" and anything goes. Where are we going on this snowballing shitslide down the hill of life. . .and what will our grandchildren call "unacceptable". I'm done now

Most of these clips looked to me like they were done on either closed roads, at a stunt show, or on empty back roads. I don't get why so many of you hate on these people, and hope they "die"?? Every single time a stunting video is posted the lectures start. On the public roads, I get it...but some of you just get upset at the stunting.

Its funny too, nobody says anything when someone posts their tire review and how the tire handles in 100mph sweepers or 1oo+mph straight away on a public road. And I think its just as nuts to ride 1500 freakin' miles in a day (im sure at the posted speed limit) as it is to do some stunts.

A friend of mine does these stunts and he travels doing various shows. He's a good guy and he hasn't even killed any innocent people. :rolleyes: But he's not an idiot, and in the video there were some idiots...

Just playing devils advocate...

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