Apologies for no pix yet.
Put KrZy8 up on the lift.
Removed right lower cowling. This is where most of her relays now live. Yes, I relocated them.
No brake relay.
Removed upper right hand panels, sorry, don't know the ABC's here.. but found the relay in front of the battery.
Removed the Aux tank and removed the running/brake light bulb. Kind of a PITA but got it.
Guess what?
It worked perfectly. All the time. WTFO?
Removed electrical tape that was obviously not factory from the wires running to both bulbs. The Aux tank fuel pump clamps to the rear sub frame and I was curious about a possible pinch point. None found. Wiggled wires. Pulled wires. No failure.
OK then.
Put a light dialectric grease on the bulb's contact point, blow the bulb enclosure free of dust with compressed air, take the Aux tank off for baffle repair.
Kind of weird to see KrZy8 without an Aux tank on..
Removed relay that went CLICK with rear brake foot petal action. Connections look fine. Clean, and greased. Tapped the relay with a screwdriver to try and make it fail. No luck.
Check my inventory of spare relays. Nope, the brake relay is different than fan, headlight relays. No spare.
Clean it all up, put top and lowers back on, call it good for now.
New brake relay ordered.
Long of short, I'm riding tomorrow and all is good.
Thank you, Ionbeam, McaTrophy, gapiob, and all others too!
It's really nice to know you can be solo on the road, have a issue, post up, and get quick responses. I mean, really, what is that worth? PRICELESS!