No dead animals in motel rooms

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Big Sky

Dr. Gonzo
Sep 26, 2006
Reaction score
Butte, MT
We found this notation on a page titled "Welcome Hunters" in a motel in Broadus, Montana recently. We got a good chuckle out of it and maybe some others will too.

The page listed phone numbers for the local fish and game office, taxidermy services, game processing and so on, then had this:

"Due to sanitary, health and safety considerations, we cannot allow dead game animals, birds, fish or varmints of any kind in any of our motel rooms. We also ask that you do not cut up any animals in front of the rooms or in the parking lot. The blood stains the concrete and is hard to remove. If you need a place to do this, call the office and we will help you with that."

I can just see it: "Say, Bob, think maybe we ought to bring them muley bucks we shot today into the room tonight? We could butcher 'em up in the bathtub."

Broadus is renowned hunting country.

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When my oldest daughter was in school in Albany, NY she rented a room in a house one semester where the landlord only rented to girls. His reason: a couple of guys had brought a deer into the kitchen and butchered it there one year. Apparently they didn't know what they were doing and splattered blood all over the place.

"Due to sanitary, health and safety considerations, we cannot allow [SIZE=18pt]dead[/SIZE] game animals, birds, fish or varmints of any kind in any of our motel rooms.
So, let me get this sheep, goats, and manatees are OK then ??? :rolleyes:

so then, let's schedule a rally at the place :yahoo:

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Uh, one other note on this place: it was painted bright pink and (ulp) had pictures of sheep painted on the outside. It was almost just too much to fathom. I suppose live sheep would be completely acceptable, as would bison, elk and moose. But I doubt the manatee issue has ever surfaced. Possibly they've dealt with sturgeon or paddlefish...

How is this all related to "other bike/bike related discussions"? It isn't really, except that we were touring on bikes. Sorry, admins.

One night, this nice family hit a doe with their Toyota Camery about an hour before I got off shift. So I called Game&Fish and finished off the wounded dear. After I did the report and the family left, my shift was over, so I gutted the doe and skinned her out right there on the side of the road.

I got home and got her hung up and went to bed. I was the first one up and before I left, I warned my still sleeping wife, "There is a dead skinned dear hanging on the back porch. DO NOT freak out, I put her there."

My wife called me an hour later thanking me for warning her because she didn't even see the deer until she was washing her breakfast dishes. I thought that was funny.

Anyway...I can see where a hotel/motel in a busy hunting area has to post requests for people not to take dead animals inside or gut them out in the parking lot. It's just like going to a MC friendly hotel and reading the signs about not using the good towels to wipe down the bikes because the hotel will provide towels specifically for that.

Happen to be in western Montana right now. Yep, know the state well. All sorts of interesting things and quirky folks to be found. Have been in Broadus many times, headin' east and cuttin' the corner off the state by getting off hiway 90 and cutting over to Rapid City. Fun road.


On the other hand, some places ALLOW dead game.......

IIRC, hotel in Whitefish:



That could be any hotel, restaurant or private home in BC

