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Active member
Apr 14, 2006
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
Hello all

I have been watching this board for three months since I ordered my 06 A.

I've been "back" riding for 11 years, the last 10 on a fantastic 92 FJ 1200. I like to do a bit of a touring and have accumulated 147,000 km (about 91,000 miles) on it. Been a great bike with no problems at all and it still runs well but it was time to step up to newer technology or maybe because I'm crossing a psycological age barrier soon.

Picked up the FJR yesterday. Work interfeared with evening riding plans so I sit with about 16 km (10 miles) on it and it's raining this morning.

I'll post my impressions of technological advancements once I've had a chance to put a few more kms on.

Mine came with Bridgestones and am waiting for the bags.

Has it been determined if Canadian bikes come with the liners?

Saturday and Sunday look good though.

Old Axe

Most prefer the Bridgestones over the MetZ. Good Luck with your age barrier & your new ride. TJ

I'll post my impressions of technological advancements once I've had a chance to put a few more kms on. Mine came with Bridgestones and am waiting for the bags.

Has it been determined if Canadian bikes come with the liners?

Saturday and Sunday look good though.

Old Axe
I'm looking forward to your review of the technological improvements. My most modern bike before the '05 FJR was a 1992 Goldwing. I was completely amazed at the difference in handling, feel, and comfort between the two. You don't necessarily notice the constant improvement in motorcycle technology if you sample the new stuff every couple of years. Someone such as yourself is likely to be bowled over at the improvements. Please write 'em down - I'll read them.

I believe Canadian bikes will not have liners included for free. They are marketed as an accessory up there.

Congrats on the Bridgestones. I got the Metzlers - feh.

Hi I'm back with an update.

I'm now at 740 km (about 450 miles) and loving it.

So many advancements in technology it's hard to know where to start. Perhaps the most evident is the handling. This bike is absolutely rock solid in the twisties. Incredibly confidence inspiring. I have to be careful not to get in over my head.

The bike is much smoother than the old FJ1200 but not really alot more powerful. I think the old bike might actually have a bit more roll on power in 5th at 100 kph (60 mph). The FJR is geared to be at a much lower RPM. Drop it down to 4th and they are at about the same RPM and power.

The windshield works for me. its good everywhere, maybe a bit loud when fully up but no buffetting to speak of. About half way up is nice. I wear ear plugs all the time and always have.

I moved the seat to the high setting and now it's nice and roomy. Haven't felt the need to mess with the bar setting.

As everyone seems to be getting new bikes just a word of advice. Go over the bike when you first get it home. Mine was OK but the dealer check list said my chain and clutch cable were adjusted. I suspect the list was just pencil whipped so who knows what was really checked. I checked the critcal bolts in the front end, axles fluids as well as tire pressures.

Don't tell my wife but I think I'm falling in love with someone new.

Congrats on your new ride!

Glad to hear all the ergos work for you. I'm hoping they will for me too. This is the first time I've ever ordered a bike without even sitting on it first.

Don't worry about your're secret is safe with this group :D

Hi Oldaxe....

How tall are you? I will be riding the Demo at Lake George this year but had a concern about the shield when I rode the 05' FJR. I'm 5'9" and I thought the shield caused alot of buffetting and wind noise. I ride a Bandit 1200S with a 3/4 fairing and it is as good/bad as the 05' FJR. Thanks in advance & good luck with your new ride!!!

Cngrats on your 06. And Wow, to the lucky one who gets to ride the 06 Demo. How lucky. I thought BMW dealers only did that? Congrats to you too......

Getting personal are we?

Well, I'm 6'2" and like motorcycles, candlelite dinners, and walks on the beach, Oh, is that too much information? What? You weren't that type of interested?


As everyone else has said the linked brakes are pretty much invisible. I usually ride the rear brake a bit at low speeds to stabilize the bike and seem to be able to do that with the FJR too.

What type of mileage might I expect to get out of tires? With the old FJ i could get 10,000 to 12,000 miles from Avon or Michelin Macadam 100's. I suspect that might be optimistic for this beast. I'm not into burn-outs or wheelies but have been known to cruise at "slightly" above the limit. No passenger but loaded when on weeklong trips. Now baby needs a bath before it gets dark.

Congrats on the 06! Let me know what other dealer prep items you found pencil whipped and what you had to adjust/tighten.

So the FJR is ready for it's 600 mile (that's 955km for us Canadians) service. I've made an appointment with the dealer for Saturday.

I've gone over the bike and found everything to be tight, pressures and levels correct but I'm going to point out the "pencil whipped" check sheet to the sales guy to see what type of excuse they come up with.

I wish you guys wouldn't come up with odd quirks on this thing. I was perfectly happy (still am really) but now I too can hear the whistle from the screen at about 50 mph. By the way it's still there at 85 mph.

But I have found one neat quirk of my own. On the 06, when you look at the instruments on a sunny day you will see a reflection of yourself grinning back in the tach face.

How does the count down feature work when the fuel gets low? I had mine down to one bar on the gauge and nothing was different with the mileage, fuel consumption or air temp functions. I thought it kept count of the distance since going on "reserve".

One thing I don't like is the gas tank hole. Very small and hard to see how full the bike is or how far the nozzle is in. I can see not getting the tank as full and I would like.

Still amazed by this bike. I had it up to 100 mph tonight and it's rock solid.

Think I might keep it for quite a while.

Oldaxe: Welcome from another Canuck. I also had an FJ1200 - a 92 with ABS. You will still be grinning on this bike for a long time to come. Oh, and when you get a few break in miles (6K or so) or so, the power of this ride is going to make your old FJ12 feel like a 250 scooter, even with the 13's taller gearing.

Tire life has been my only challenge. WC says I have an "undisciplined right wrist" but I consider myself a smooth if fairly quick rider, especially on the twisty roads which these beasts love. I got less than 10,000K on the stock Metzelers, and since then have been running the Avons. The rears are giving me about 12K, but I think the front will see 18K or so. Tire pressure is especially critical given the weight and power of this bike. Many of us run 42 pounds both ends. Check this often, as the FJR's cast wheels are more porous than most IMO. I think a lot of owners' issues with rapid wear and tire cupping is also due to running way too underinflated.

My wife has always (34 years and counting) been tolerant of the other loves of my life - as long as they have internal combustion engines! After all I had motorcycles and snowmobiles in my life before I had her...

Your still breaking it in. You might not have turned the whole beast loose yet. Thats why a 6 speed gear box is really unneccessary on this beast. TJ
