No longer training

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2006
Reaction score
I just noticed. I'm no longer training. I am now a full-fledged "FJR PILOT" B) . Now I know for sure I am spending way too much time in the house. I must be bored. I just gotta go do “something” :dribble: .

Its a long way to good riding weather. I just stocked up on some books to help pass the time but I am driving my wife nuts with all the bitching about boredom.

warsw, congratualtions on the promotion.

Its a long way to good riding weather. I just stocked up on some books to help pass the time but I am driving my wife nuts with all the bitching about boredom.
You DO have a KLR, don't you? And a heated shop? No snowmobiles? Welcome to Central Oregon...and you didn't plan for this because........ Okay, everyone in the PNW, let's book time at Ray's digs and get some serious farkling and maintenance done. Uhm, bring your own beef.

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Mike, Sometimes you can be a real pain in the a##. Thanks for the reality check. I am now going to take the FJR apart and hope the new fork springs show up on monday. Then just for you I will start the KLR and ride it around the shop. I was told that snow machines are to addicting and to stay away from them and the last thing I need are more engines to maintain. :p

Did you ever get around to getting another bike???

Weatherman says 62 and sunny here in KC today. Can't pass up a ride on a day like this.

I still have a ways to go to get past FNG. :yahoo:

Weather forecast for Saturday in Louisville, KY is 66! Time for my 3rd real ride on the FJR. Most of my other stints have only been like 20 miles due to 40 degree weather.

congrats on busting out of training! I can only aspire to one day reach such notable accomplishments! :)

Weather forecast for Saturday in Louisville, KY is 66! Time for my 3rd real ride on the FJR. Most of my other stints have only been like 20 miles due to 40 degree weather.
congrats on busting out of training! I can only aspire to one day reach such notable accomplishments! :)
I can see your time is near. Great things are in your future :D .
