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FJR Bill

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2010
Reaction score
Sometimes forums such as this are depressing. Only problems are discussed. We all learn from the posts but I'd like to hear from owners that have had minor or no problems with their FJR and many miles on the clock. For me I've had zero problems on my 2009 but only have 11,000 miles on the bike. My other bike a 98 Guzzi EV has about 115,000 miles on it and I've only had to replace the clutch. Put 65,000 miles on my 99 Bandit and had NO problems. Sure would like to read a few posts from seasoned FJR owners that have had good results. Cheers, Bill

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We're a quiet bunch. Pretty much 135,000 and no big huge issues that weren't my own doing on my FJR. Got another one and....sad to issues on it yet either.

...that was boring.... ;)

35,000 trouble free miles on my '06. The only parts, other than those swapped for upgrades or accessories,

that didn't come from the factory are tires, spark plugs and air filter.

My bike hasn't seen a dealer since I took delivery.

I also haven't had problems with my ignition switch, ECU or grounding harness.

I honestly believe it runs better with each passing year.

Same here. 16k on my '09 and zero issues other than a loose top triple clamp at delivery, which was remedied immediately by the dealership.

I would say the same of my '04. From 18k miles to 52k, zero issues save for a dead pciii, which could not be blamed on Yamaha.

Now that I have posted this, I'm sure the battery just died, a valve dropped and probably burned a whole in one or more pistons...

'03 with 72,000 miles, no problems or repairs the fault of engineering or all. Yawn. I do spend a lot on tires, gasoline, oil, filters and rare periodic maintenance as the miles pile up.

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Great post.

'03 with 38k. Only one problem with mine: once I leave home I can't get the thing turned a spirited horse that loves to run.

With Ashe's suspension adjs link and reworked forks/Penske 8983 from GPSuspension link and fresh tires she runs clean and handles well. A great sport-tourer. :thumbsup:

Sometimes forums such as this are depressing. Only problems are discussed. We all learn from the posts but I'd like to hear from owners that have had minor or no problems with their FJR and many miles on the clock. For me I've had zero problems on my 2009 but only have 11,000 miles on the bike. My other bike a 98 Guzzi EV has about 115,000 miles on it and I've only had to replace the clutch. Put 65,000 miles on my 99 Bandit and had NO problems. Sure would like to read a few posts from seasoned FJR owners that have had good results. Cheers, Bill
50k on my 03, I only get to ride a few times a year.


Had one recall done for the tps and I busted a fork seal. No more wheelies for me.

45k on my late 07 FJR. I had the ignition switch and ECU recalls done. The only problem was a dreaded spider bite that I fixed myself. I've got no complaints about my awesome FJR! :yahoo:

My 2005 was & my 2007 have been trouble free. I think most owners have pretty good luck with Japenese bikes in general. Just go over to ADV Rider Forums if you want to see a bitch fest!

45,000 miles on my '06AE with zero issues. Installed Brodie's harnesses but before there was any problems. May have made it without them but insurance is cheap

I have only had my 2008 since october. At this point I have one major problem. It is the 4 to 6 inches of ice on the street at the end of my driveway.!!


About 18,000 on my '04, and 35,000 on my '06 with no problems. I did do the Brodie fix on the '06 at about 15,000 just before the recall.

Waiting for spring to start miles on the '07 with 5,000 miles, and no problems according to the original owner. Just did the 2 recalls.

Knock on wood.

Well my 2010 FJR is still new. I picked her up towards the end of July. She has about 6K miles on her now with zero problems. Now compared to the C14 that it replaced. I picked the C14 up about the same time of year in 07. By this time of year in 2007, I had already been stranded by it more than once. Three years was enough of that, thus explaining the new FJR!

Although my FJR is one of three bikes. So likely the miles would have been quite a bit higher if it was a lone bike!


49k miles in 20 months. Recalls done. ECU definitely needed replacing. Ignition switch never acted up prior to doing the recall. The only thing that has come-up is the neutral light started glowing faintly at about 20k as I would ride along. Would stay on, never at full intensity, for 10-15 miles and then go out.

I happen to mention it to Scott Hillard, Northwest Regional Business Manager, Yamaha Motor Corporation USA at the MC Show in Seattle in 09 and he made arrangements for the local bike shop to take it in and do some brainstorming with their tech and one of Yamaha's techs in CA. Try as they may, examining and lubing the spiders even though there was no indication of anything wrong, doing some re-routing of certain ground wires, installed a new neutral switch and I am sure some other experimenting along the way to no avail. This was an honest effort on Yamaha's part at no cost to myself. Warranty had expired months ago.

After the last of no less than 4 visits to the service department the matter seems to have faded away. I haven't had a repeat of the problem for more than 15k miles. All in all this never kept me grounded (pun intended) and I was never overly concerned about it.

The FJR has preformed flawlessly in all conditions. Hard to pick one thing it excels at more than another except that I am always overly impressed with it's stability in excessive wind conditions.

It's been a great ride.

Keep Going!

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Oh, and BTW, I can attest to the FJR running flawlessly at 19F. There was some thread a while ago (went to NEPRT I think) about how cold it could get and the bike still run OK

Lost a starter relay at about 38,000 with that I also lost the ABS this last August. I put another 4,000 on it and finaly took it in the New Years Eve to have it looked at under the YES program.

Great bike it may be the last bike as it could out last me. :p

Bought my '04 in April of '08 and it had 44K on the clock.

Now we're at 76K on the clock and all I've had to do is brakes, a few tires, some oil here and there, bleed the clutch, and my buddy Ray was kind enough to swap out the CCT for me along with some other maintenance stuff. The first owner had the pleasure of having Yamaha remedy it's ticking, and had to replace the ignition switch.

As it sits right now, I've got one headlight burnt out (already bought 2 replacement bulbs, 'cause when one goes the other is gonna be right behind it), possibly a battery that needs replacing (it's something like 3 1/2+ years old now), and here's the biggest PITA: I haven't been able to ride for over 2 months and I've got the itch bad...
