TWN and Dcarver,
I may bring some guys up to do the Solvang Motorcycle museum and hwy 41. I hear from Pashnit that 41 was just recoated and rides very nicely. I hope to meet you guys then!
Yeah, I did 41 not too long ago and it was sweet (from Atascy to Shandon) and 58 is fairly fresh, too. Be happy to ride up to Solvang and meet you guys. Carver is buying!
Whhatat? You came a trespassin' in my back yard and didn't announce your presence? Lucky you didn't get run over by a Harley...
Hey - next time call, eh?
Barbarus - depending upon how far north you want to go... 41 is OK, but other roads are so much better. Follow O'vales advice.. I've been waiting for a good weekend too.. Keep in mind that our Central Ca coast temps are routinely hitting down into the 'teens early AM.. not enough to scare me though... :lol: