I can see the logic of taxing mileage instead of fuel, but they damn well better make sure it is instead, not in addition to. But tracking mileage driven by GPS is a VERY small step from tracking locations visited. "We think he's a terrorist!" "OK, here's the GPS record."
I can also understand how the tax base the road funding is built around is diminishing, with more efficient cars being bought less often, yet the same portion of fewer cars and less fuel going into the kitty.
I don't understand how they can say that switching fuels reduces the revenue from the gas tax. Does anybody really think hydrogen as a fuel wouldn't be taxed?
But the thing that concerns me most about this is: how is someone supposed to buy "cheaper" fuel all year and remember to set aside those hundreds or thousands of mileage dollars for the annual bill? Or do they put into "escrow" a certain percentage of the fuel purchase or something all along. But who keeps track of that? Well, you'll need an agency, of course, and a code to define their responsibilites and activities, and assigning everyone an account number to track who's put what into it and what they actually should have, and some way of differentiating commercial vs. private use, and . . .
Is any of this sounding familiar?