North Georgia- Tennessee Fried Pie Ride Report

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Administrator of Drama
Jan 19, 2006
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
We had an awesome day of riding today despite the wet cold conditions!

Complete ride report here: Fried Pie Ride

There is a link at the bottom of the page where you can download High Res copies of all of my pictures from today. More pictures to follow once Daddysbike thaws out and can get them to me.

I had a great day! Thanks to Calabash for heading up this ride!



:lol: Fried pie! My experience living in Louisiana was that southerners will fry anything. If you want to make your fortune figure out how to fry beer! :lol:
We had an awesome day of riding today despite the wet cold conditions!
Complete ride report here: Fried Pie Ride

There is a link at the bottom of the page where you can download High Res copies of all of my pictures from today. More pictures to follow once Daddysbike thaws out and can get them to me.

I had a great day! Thanks to Calabash for heading up this ride!


did you guys visit TWO? or was that a btdt type of thing? they have great food and really personable service there. the little old lady is a hoot, if you haven't been there.

did you guys go past this landmark coming out of suches?

really crazy "y" in the road that will land you in a lake if you're not careful

our first time at TWO in '01 or so we got word that a ducati had just moments earlier decided to take a swim. in '05 one of our better riders almost did the same. note yellow and black hazard sign that is covering up sign behind it that says "180" with arrow pointing to left.

did you guys ride the richard russell highway? i love that road. lovely long sweepers, very few hazards and traffic, good sight lines.



Dean, We decided not to ride 180 yesterday because of all the recent rain. It usually has a lot of gravel on it after a heavy rain. I know that intersection that you talking about, it's a little scary if your not ready for it.

We basically met at Dales right by TWO in Suches and took rt60 north towards TN. Rt60 was in great shape yesterday and very little traffic. I think all day we only saw 3-4 other bikes on the road.



Great ride yesterday with the group. It was good to meet some new FJR riders.

My wife and I decided to skip chruch today (again) and take the 3yr old boy and 6yr old girl in the 4x4 back up to the north GA mtns and ride forest service/fire roads. We hiked to a suspended bridge, waterfalls etc and just got back here around 8pm. I just checked email and decided to post these images. Please excuse the poor quality, brain fart. I took the first pictures correctly during lunch but later outside forgot to change the white balance from flash to outdoor. I also left the exposure set to 1/60 sec. @ f5.6 so very overexposed/contrasty. Oh well still got a few decent shots and had a great day riding!

look forward to riding with you again and hope one or two (Tom) can make it to the Eastern KY ride in April.

Here we are having lunch in Tellico Plains,TN at the Telicafe. Great food/service/prices. I always stop here for lunch when riding the Cherohala etc.

First Picture= NormK, trimmatom, ngarider, jwilly and Calabash


That's me in the 2nd picture in grey shirt/grey hair sitting behind fjrforum member "Berde" (Nelson). To my right in the striped shirt is fjrforum member "Mr Twisty" (Mike & his wife Michele).



Here we are a few hours later back in GA stopped for fried pies:



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Ah, suicidal dogs, house fires and weather forecasting gone awry -- good times! Nice to meet everyone, and thanks again to Calabash for putting it together.
You forgot to mention the ambulance chase and the gas station burnout. Yep, it was a fun and memorable ride.

Man, I think that green tomato/ham soup was the best I've ever had. I know it doesn't sound very good, but it was.

Good food, good company and good riding. That's what it's all about folks.

Thanks for posting the pics, daddysbike.

ngarider's lunchtime prayer:

"Dear Lord, thanks be for heated gear. I don't care if they call me a wuss, I'm warm!

Also, watch over Mr. Twisty, as I think Mrs. Twisty may choke him to death if it gets any colder today.

And Lord, help Berde regain the feeling in his legs and hands. Show him the way to some overpants or a sweater or somethin!

Thank you for sending daddysbike on this ride, now I don't have to be the guy holding everyone up getting geared up!

And Lord, help jwilly resist the 'peer pressure' that results in burnouts and SPECTACULAR lawbreaking!

And thanks in advance for keeping that cop from pulling me over on the way home.

Thanks dude, shiny side up (he rides, you know)"

That was a very nice ride folks, despite the cold it was very nice to meet everyone.

A real great bunch of people and some interesting sights plus a good lunch at the Telico Cafe.

Thanks to Mr. Calabash for organizing and leading the ride.

It was nice and restrained til Big Bo Willy went wizzin buy me at near the speed of light.

I didn't think an FJR would go that fast with someone that big.You friggin holigan you made me laugh my ass off.

Then I had to try and catch you to no avail, oh well maybe next time!!!!

Great fun can't wait til neaxt time.

I would have made the ride if I wasn't such a pussy. I did ride today in the sunshine though. Any plans for another ?
Don't worry Frayne, we were thinking about doing a pussy run next time instead of a fried pie run! :p

Just kidding, make sure you sign up for the Georgia Riders Group in the Southeast section of the forum so your up to speed!!


I would have made the ride if I wasn't such a pussy. I did ride today in the sunshine though. Any plans for another ?
Don't worry Frayne, we were thinking about doing a pussy run next time instead of a fried pie run! :p

Just kidding, make sure you sign up for the Georgia Riders Group in the Southeast section of the forum so your up to speed!!

Hey guys, that sounds like a great idea. Any excuse to ride is a good one. Pussy is better than most.

However, Pussy Ride is not very pollitically correct. We could call it the Beaver Ride...maybe nobody would catch on.


Dean, We decided not to ride 180 yesterday because of all the recent rain. It usually has a lot of gravel on it after a heavy rain. I know that intersection that you talking about, it's a little scary if your not ready for it.
We basically met at Dales right by TWO in Suches and took rt60 north towards TN. Rt60 was in great shape yesterday and very little traffic. I think all day we only saw 3-4 other bikes on the road.

I was about to post here about Hwy 180 and the Richard Russell Hwy. Took a group up there on March 2 from SC on those roads, along with others (not the Blue Ridge as it was closed :( ). The Richard was absolutely great UNTIL you got to the summit and gravel was all over the place. As for Hwy 180, nothing but gravel. All I can do is pray that the rains from the past few weeks have pushed that stuff off the road as there couldn't have been more gravel on the side, as it was all over the road. We counted 6 bikes down but not all of them were from gravel.

As for TWO, think the weather caught them off guard, as it took 2 hours for a burger there and it wasn't even busy. Luckily, most that stop by there are just wanting to enjoy the bikes and the waterfall.

Btw, saw three of the FJR's at TWO that day, all blue. Not any chance anyone from here was there that day?
