Northern Tour Following WCR in Sept

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Death Before Disco
Aug 22, 2008
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Lopez Island
Colleen and I have been planning our largest trip to-date and have settled on a 12 day tour of British Columbia and adjoining Provinces, Territories, and States. September seems to be a really good time of year since the bugs might be fewer and the kids will be in school and more easily watched by Grandma. The plan is to hang with Barb and all the other miscreants attending this year's first annual WCR, which is the second consecutive rally in BC. WCR will be the start of the 12 days as we will continue to head North following the end of the rally.

I have two route options to run by the masses. Please opine. I have a Destination Highways book headed my way for detail road planning, but if any of you know specific roads that can't be missed - post it up. These are roughly 400 miles days with cheap motels every evening.

Thanks to my new education due to Geek Day a few weekends ago, here is what I have:

I stole the gist of this route from Panman. This leaves the rally with a ferry North to Prince Rupert. The ferry is one really long daytime cruise through the gorgeous inside passage. From there, Hyder AK, Watson Lake YT, over through the Canadian Rockies, back across Kamloops, and down through the Sea to Sky highway. Colleen prefers this one, the only downside is missing a lot of roads in lower BC. This is around 3000 miles plus whatever we do at the rally


This route leaves WCR by taking the ferry from Nanaimo over to the city of Vancouver. From there up the Sea to Sky Highway, Prince George, Hyder, Watson Lake, Canadian Rockies, etc. From Hyder on it is the same schedule as the above route. This is about 3400 riding miles plus whatever we do at the rally.


I would have loved to make Bella Coola work, but that will have to be its own trip this year or next.

Route ideas? Days too long? Must see attractions? I do have this years Dam Tour bonus dam that is up that way included.

I'm with route #1 as well. You just have to resign yourself to knowing that you'll have to come back a few times to cover it ALL.

Not that that's a bad thing, eh?


I would have loved to make Bella Coola work, but that will have to be its own trip this year or next.
I would pick Route #1 but am wondering why Bella Coola doesn't work?

Mainly because the ferry from Port Hardy to Bella Coola isn't fabulous time wise. Leaves on a Saturday only, and also only goes over night. No chance to see the scenery, no good way to rest.

Colleen is pretty big on route 1. Still hoping to rope in another FJR to join us...

I would have loved to make Bella Coola work, but that will have to be its own trip this year or next.
I would pick Route #1 but am wondering why Bella Coola doesn't work?

Mainly because the ferry from Port Hardy to Bella Coola isn't fabulous time wise. Leaves on a Saturday only, and also only goes over night. No chance to see the scenery, no good way to rest.

Colleen is pretty big on route 1. Still hoping to rope in another FJR to join us...
Agree, I just looked at the ferry schedule and it looks like you don't have many options at that time of year. Where do you plan to spend the night after you get to Prince Rupert? I don't think you should plan on making it all the way to Watson Lake in a single day.

I will need to stay in Rupert that first night. The plan after that is to have the next night in Hyder, Alaska. After Hyder, a night in Watson Lake. Just going through the process of finding lodging at each stop. Nights are something like:

Parksville x 3, Port hardy, Prince Rupert, Hyder, Watson Lake, Pink Mountain, Prince George, Golden, Whistler or Squamish, Home. Roughly 400 mile days.

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Parksville x 3, Port hardy, Prince Rupert, Hyder, Watson Lake, Pink Mountain, Prince George, Golden, Whistler or Squamish, Home. Roughly 400 mile days.
I have done that route twice and its not as easy to do a 400 mile day as it is here, especially day after day. Weather and road conditions are unpredictable and if you get a day behind its almost impossible to catch up and get back on schedule. I think you are fine up to Watson Lake, after that I would plan on stopping at the major towns (realize that a major town in that area is a relative term) which would be Fort Nelson, Dawson Creek, and Prince George. If you have not been to Jasper then you should spend a night there, it would be a short day from Prince George but give you time to take the tram to the top of the mountain or just take in the town...and a lot more time to enjoy the ride through the park the next day.

Route #1 - mostly due to being along the shore for a longer period of riding. Keep an eye open for whales. ;)

Might want to keep an eye on road work, too. That far North they'll be pushing to get it done, and you might end up hitting delays, killing your 400 miles/day.

I just might be interested in this. I don't really care to travel on dirt or mud roads, though.... not sure if your route includes those. I'll study your route a bit more. Oh, I agree with the above. I really wouldn't plan on anymore than +-300 miles a day.... especially if you want to sightsee, etc. That's on the road at about 9am or so and travelling to about 5-6pm.

FYI: The Caribou Highway is a very nice road, at least from Quesnel to Hope. Billy Barker Days (Quesnel) is held every year on the third weekend in July. It's a real neat street event.

The weather on up and back from Quesnel was alternating sun and rain.

Big country up there. Never saw another American the whole time we were there.

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Route # 1, of course you may have me tagging along. My friend Gary is still on the fence thinking he may not be able to keep up the long days!

Well, consensus has certainly been leaning towards route 1. I personally think all of you are just picking the winning route knowing the pillion always gets her way. I am beginning to second guess the 400 miles, especially with Mcrider007's experience standing behind it. However, not sure I can spare more time and it is difficult to find shortcuts in them there parts.

I am still hoping to bully Panman into being a part of this, we will have to hunker down with the schedule and distances and see if there are options. Otherwise, brute determination may have to win the day.

Mr. 007 - you could always guide us along.

However, not sure I can spare more time and it is difficult to find shortcuts in them there parts.
Mr. 007 - you could always guide us along.
I might be a candidate for this trip if you do all the leg work for finding cheap motels (cheap is also a relative term on that route) and I had a roommate to split the costs.

As far as "time", my suggestion for stop overs only adds one day to your planned schedule, you can make home from Jasper in 2 days.

Well...we will be doing the planning anyway so that part is a no-brainer. Not sure you would be pleased with my choosing a room mate for you. I do know that Panman is considering the trip and may or may not have a partner in crime. I'm working on a preliminary sketch of "cheap" motel options.

I see this whole event deteriorating into a servies of "made-for-Internet" videos. Blair Witch style cinematography laced with cursing, grinding pegs and confused Canadians uttering "WTF?!" to themselves whenever they encounter this roving band of whackos...


Not sure you would be pleased with my choosing a room mate for you. I do know that Panman is considering the trip and may or may not have a partner in crime.
Panman! Yikes!!! :russian_roulette: That's the guy who gets his riding partners in trouble because he likes to park his FJR in the spots reserved for senior citizens. :nono:

If you need more time, did you consider going the other direction and taking advantage of the Labor Day Holiday on September 6?

Not sure you would be pleased with my choosing a room mate for you. I do know that Panman is considering the trip and may or may not have a partner in crime.
Panman! Yikes!!! :russian_roulette: That's the guy who gets his riding partners in trouble because he likes to park his FJR in the spots reserved for senior citizens. :nono:

If you need more time, did you consider going the other direction and taking advantage of the Labor Day Holiday on September 6?
Because he IS a senior citizen... ;)


Not sure you would be pleased with my choosing a room mate for you. I do know that Panman is considering the trip and may or may not have a partner in crime.
Panman! Yikes!!! :russian_roulette: That's the guy who gets his riding partners in trouble because he likes to park his FJR in the spots reserved for senior citizens. :nono:

If you need more time, did you consider going the other direction and taking advantage of the Labor Day Holiday on September 6?

Damn. Ending the trip at WCR as opposed to starting at WCR. Sigh. Now to look at ferry schedules in reverse and checking options. It's a good idea though, even aside from the holiday. My line of work is very quarter oriented and doing this the week before helps leave the end of Sept for the job. I'll take a hard look at that and run it by Panman as well. Let me see:

Sea to Sky highway to Lillooet, over to Jasper area for a couple of days, bounce through Prince George, Dawson Creek, Fort Nelson, Lake Watson, down to Hyder, and then Prince Rupert. Ferry to Port Hardy, hang out at WCR - go home on Sunday. I will see what it looks like.

Damn. Ending the trip at WCR as opposed to starting at WCR. Sigh. Now to look at ferry schedules in reverse and checking options. It's a good idea though, even aside from the holiday. My line of work is very quarter oriented and doing this the week before helps leave the end of Sept for the job. I'll take a hard look at that and run it by Panman as well. Let me see:
Sea to Sky highway to Lillooet, over to Jasper area for a couple of days, bounce through Prince George, Dawson Creek, Fort Nelson, Lake Watson, down to Hyder, and then Prince Rupert. Ferry to Port Hardy, hang out at WCR - go home on Sunday. I will see what it looks like.
I don't want to confuse the route any further but I just remembered that Highway 40 (aka Big Horn Highway) is now fully paved between Jasper and Dawson Creek. It runs on the east side of the mountains and is only about 325 miles. One of my friends rode it in 2008 and said it was a very nice ride. That could cut a day off your schedule...or give you an extra day to see Banff.

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