Not a Good Week

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@ Billy - That sure looks like a spider connector. The solid black wire should/would have continuity to ground and the other 3 wouldn't until you put in a spider jumper. Of course I have a bike with a real clutch and no spiders, so I can't help you out with any such pictures. Sorry to hear about all your troubles. Better get that thing going before June when we invade from the south!!

@ James - I applaud your effort at thinning the ruminant population, but next time use a gun, or a bow and arrow if they won't let you use firearms in Japan. Seriously, sorry about your bad luck. Hope you and the bike heal well and fast.

Well, dang, Bill!

I thought you were supposed to wreck shit on MY bike, not on YOUR bikes.

FWIW, I rode the FJR to work today and during my lunch break, I took a little spin over to a local motorcycle dealer. They had a nice, shiny 2012 FJR on the floor, along with one of those new, weird-looking Goldwings, various flavors of BMW GS's, Triumph Tigers, 'Stroms, etc...

Unfortunately they forgot to toss a bookcase at his head.
I'll vouch for that!

Fookin' bookcases...

Not a ground spider... just checked and mine has nothing connected to it either. Not entirely sure where it leads...

Dr. Ionbeam to the white courtesy phone... Dr. Ionbeam to the white courtesy phone please ...


One thing does does seem strange is that I cannot find where what appears to be a ground spider connects to. This 4 pin connector is located behind the left side panel and is very close to the S1 spider. I have the Brodie Harness so S1 is connected to the harness. Here is a photo of the plug .....

If someone could check their bike (preferably an 06/07 AE) and tell me if this plug is connected to anything it would be greatly appreciated. 3 of the wires are black with what appears to me as a green stripe. The other wire appears to be solid black.

I had the foot switch off and I found the procedure for testing and adjusting it (page 5-71 & page 8-245) in the manual. The overall max resistance tested at ~5 kohms which is good. I have to make up an adaptor so that I can check the voltage as per procedure.

The other thing I need to locate on the bike is the YCCS control relay. The manual I have is for an 08 and says the relay should be somewhere near the ECU. I might need to replace the relay but until I locate it and get the proper part number I kind of in a bind because the micro fiche just list "relay" and there are different part numbers for different relays.

The YCC-S Control Relay as two blue/white stripe wires, one green and one yellow/green stripe wire going to it. The relay is #63 in the print below....


If someone knows where exactly this relay is located or has the part number please let me know.

Not a ground spider... just checked and mine has nothing connected to it either. Not entirely sure where it leads...

Dr. Ionbeam to the white courtesy phone... Dr. Ionbeam to the white courtesy phone please ...


It's Professor ionbeam, and I don't think even he would be able to tell you what that connector does with the current information.

A little more info: There is a YCCS test coupler, but it only has two wires in it, a black and a blue/yellow. And there is the ABS test coupler, which also has 4 wires but they are Black, Blue, Blue/Red, and Blue/Black. The wiring diagrams don't show any of the spider connectors.

Someone needs to follow where those mysterious wires go off to.

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Not a ground spider... just checked and mine has nothing connected to it either. Not entirely sure where it leads...

Dr. Ionbeam to the white courtesy phone... Dr. Ionbeam to the white courtesy phone please ...


It's Professor ionbeam, and I don't think even he would be able to tell you what that connector does with the current information.

Someone needs to follow where those mysterious wires go off to.
Aren't professors Doctor of such-and-such?

Agree that there's sketchy info... but if anyone can figure out what that sucker is for, it's Alan...


**EDIT** I said S4 but meant to say S1...
To clarify... you're looking for the connector that is just south of the S4 S1, left side, top of the engine ?

Nope. The S1 connector is just above the shift actuator on the AE under the left side panel right behind the air horn on the air box. You may have to pull the one airbox cover to access ( the cover that the hydraulic reservoir is bolted to ). This photo is from the Brodie Prototype Harness Thread and this is what he called S1.....


The connector I am interested in is a 4 pin connector that comes out of the main harness very close to S1. Thanks to Canuckhead for confirming I am not going senile since I didn't remember disconnecting it but that was back in December when I pulled the rear suspension.

On a side note I have the bike shifting properly now. Adjusting the voltage output on the foot switch to within spec (2.4 - 2.6 V) as per the procedure in the manual seems to have solved the issue .....


OK, so I didn't have the nice adaptor to hook up the meter and I went all shady tree and just stripped back the wires I needed to measure and then wrapped it with electrical tape when I was done. On the plus side the tape I used was nuclear grade and will withstand gamma radiation so I'm OK with it. Remember, if your not shopping at work you're paying too much!!

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Hey Bill...I just saw your post for getting water out of a dirt bike. Gonna use that to clear the fuel out of a certain DRZ...

...Pretty sure I'm gonna buy a Husqvarna TC449 tomorrow. They have a $2500 rebate. Can't beat that with a stick.
So you wreck Joe's bike and now your going to give it back to him all messed up and just go get a new bike. That's what the "Factory Riders" do. I didn't know I was riding with a star. Unlike the DRZ that Husky will make power so just be sure you are pointed in the direction you want to go when you open the throttle.

You will probably need to do a couple of oil changes to make sure you have all the water out of the transmission & crankcase. You want to be sure there are no signs of milkiness in the oil. Once the oil comes out clean you are fairly safe.

PS - All the parts for the water pump were in stock at the warehouse in Toronto so I will have the WR450 fixed tomorrow. There is also no sign of snow in the forecast and the temperatures are climbing. I'm feeling a lot better about this week so far.

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Ha...No Bill...Glad you got your FJR cleared up.

I dont have any water in the DRZ. Just extra fuel. Gotta clear that up and change the oil before I give it back to Joe. I'll do it this Saturday.

Freaking AE Drama Queens..

Get a real bike and shift with a clutch lever, left hand side.

Oh wait, Bill, your left hand has carpal tunnel?

What, dear pray tell, might have started that?


Hugs n' Kisses


Carver you dork, I got a woody watching this.....

and that is why my left wrist is sore. Recluse don't make a slipper clutch for the FJR like I have on the WR450.

Why won't you Neanderthals embrace technology

Glad ya got her FJR ship-shape, Bill.

That woulda taken me 4 months.

And the bike would magically have reverse!

Bill checked my superior Gen II, and it has the same unused connector. Have not dove into the wiring diagram, but it may be for Kali emissions or somethin'.
