Nova Scotia ride

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Quebec FJR

Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
St-Hubert, Quebec
Leaving from Montreal on August 14 for 10 day trip 2 up with wife to Nova Scotia. It is her first long trip and wondering if approx 3500 km is too much for a first trip. Will I need to book hotels in advance during this period or can I take a chance stop along the way. May come back through Maine . Do I need warm clothing. All input will be appreciated.

Leaving from Montreal on August 14 for 10 day trip 2 up with wife to Nova Scotia. It is her first long trip and wondering if approx 3500 km is too much for a first trip. Will I need to book hotels in advance during this period or can I take a chance stop along the way. May come back through Maine . Do I need warm clothing. All input will be appreciated.
It is a long first trip.

You will want to bring your rain gear for sure. Expect cool weather, although August is the time of year when its hard to make predictions. Watch the weather forecast (use your computer). You should be able to get good reporting for Halifax, and maybe even for Sydney or other parts of NS.

I'm going the same direction next week, and I will pack some clothing that can be layered, plus the rain gear of course.

As for the hotels, I am always most comfortable when I have target destinations and known places to stay along the way. I sometimes travel with friends who do not have the same aversion to travelling with uncertainty. Our experience is that you can find hotels in NS without booking in advance, just like you can find such places in Gaspe'. You might even get a better deal by showing up and having the capability to shop for a place. I am uncomfortable with this, and will book at least some nights in advance.

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Leaving from Montreal on August 14 for 10 day trip 2 up with wife to Nova Scotia. It is her first long trip and wondering if approx 3500 km is too much for a first trip. Will I need to book hotels in advance during this period or can I take a chance stop along the way. May come back through Maine . Do I need warm clothing. All input will be appreciated.
I think it's a given that you do the "Cabot trail", and I would go through Maine, NH, and VT on the way back. Ride up Mt. Washington for sure..........and with ten days you can enjoy the scenery. So I would only ride a tanks worth at the most each day (> 450kms).........that's it. Booking ahead will help 'cause August can be busy.

I'm soooo jealous.

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I don't recommend doing such a long ride as a first trip but, then again, it all depends on how much of a trooper your wife is.

I lured my wife into riding by doing 2 night B&B trips of about 500-600 miles total. My wife got so into it that now we regularly do 3,000 mile 8-10 day trips. It all depends. Make plans for lots of stops, good food, lots of interesting fun time, and be careful not to make it just about the ride. I find that my wife likes other distractions than just the twisties.

Best wishes!

Go for it. Ten days is plenty of time to rest when needed. The weather has been hot and slightly damp. Mid to high 20s. I am located in Trenton so feel free to conatct me if you have any issues/questions. As far as booking ahead, shouldn't be a problem as long as you plan to stop early each day. When doing the Cabot Trail, be sure to do it counter clockwise and give yourself plenty of time.

Canadian FJR

When doing the Cabot Trail, be sure to do it counter clockwise and give yourself plenty of time. Canadian FJR

I'm curious to know why you advised counterclokwise? Although I have never ridden the "Cabot trail", I have a buddy who just left today for NFLD and will be riding it. I will text him which/why for the direction. Thanks in advance. :)

A few of us run the trail regularly and have done it both ways. Either way is fine but CCW offers the best view and is closest to the water.

As previously mentioned, feel free to contact me if your buddy has any questions/issues.

Canadian FJR

1) In Nova Scotia, the largish towns run hotel finder service locations for those folks that don't book ahead of time. Follow the sign, pull in, tell them your price range & type of amenities needed & they tell you what's available, they'll even book it for you & give you directions. Did that for Halifax & Lunenberg, no problems. When I tour I rarely book in advance & usually end up bargaining for 10-15% less than the std rate.

2) Take good rain gear 'just in case'.

3) Take a set of warm clothes & a jacket 'just in case'

Enjoy !

I think it's a given that you do the "Cabot trail", and I would go through Maine, NH, and VT on the way back. Ride up Mt. Washington for sure..........and with ten days you can enjoy the scenery. So I would only ride a tanks worth at the most each day (> 450kms).........that's it. Booking ahead will help 'cause August can be busy.
I'm soooo jealous.
I'm jealous of your gas mileage, I am lucky if I get 300kms per tank :cry: Enjoy your trip to NS, I am leaving on Friday the 1st for 10 days in NL. :yahoo:

A few of us run the trail regularly and have done it both ways. Either way is fine but CCW offers the best view and is closest to the water. As previously mentioned, feel free to contact me if your buddy has any questions/issues.

Canadian FJR
My buddy had his trip cut short. He took it up to 180km/h and blew a seal, which toasted a cylinder :angry2: it's a 1986 BMW 1150 with only 60K on it. He got it for a great price, and unfortunatley now he knows why. No Cabot trail for him this year, and he no longer wants to do the SS1000 in Sept with me :angry: I think I'll have to do the trip for him :rolleyes: <_<
