November 17 IL-WI ride

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Yeah, sorry Tim and others. Like I said my wife will have help on Saturday to deal with two kids and not on Sunday. I already got an ear full for planning to ride on Saturday :) nothing that a bouquet of flowers wont fix. But like I said it should not stop others from organizing one for Sunday.


I'm not saying that I won't ride on Saturday, but I also can't say that I am 100% certain. As it stands right now, I'd say that I have a 35% chance of riding. Not great and not as decisive as I like to be ... but just being honest.

(BTW - My issue is that, since my wife and I travel alot, we only have 2 more free weekends to do our Christmas shopping. I have to take a close look at mine and my wife's schedule to make sure riding won't totally screw up our shopping plans. Then again, maybe this is the year that everyone gets gift cards! ;) )

Oh heck no. I fully expect a nice gift. :) I will be willing to stop by an pick it up if it works for you.

If you will be making either post or stop by so we know to wait for you.

Of course I'll let you know my plans....I won't leave you hanging.

As for your gift, you're going to have to settle for a Dollar General gift card like everyone else on my list! :lol:

Where are you planning a lunch stop, coming from way down south, I could make a lunch stop in the Rockford area. Bet it's a nice ride on RT 2 this time of year.


Considering time constrain and that Tim is busy anyway I am not planning to get to Rockford area. Lunch is planned to be somewhere in Lake Geneva.

All the leaves are down on Rte 2, for what it is worth. Still the best game in town, but not like it was a few weeks ago.

Guys, latest weather forecasting a chance of rain and snow tomorrow. I generally do not mind rain, but not when it is 40 or below. I also been sneezing for the last couple of days and it would probably not going to be a good decision to ride out tomorrow.

Sunday looking more promising weather wise. Hope some will enjoy Sunday ride.

Aw geez ... and I was just getting ready to put the chains on the bike's tires! Hopefully, the forecast will help us out one of these days.

Well if Trigger isn't buying lunch and theres snow in the forecast, guess I'll just have to head South to Hannabal and good ole' MO79.

I am going up to the butcher in WI to pick up 1/2 of a steer we bought. Lunch can be on me the next time we can grill out!

Woo-Woo, 10-4 good buddy :clapping:

Anyone with a freezer full of beef and a Bar-B, is a friend of mine.

Woo-Woo, 10-4 good buddy :clapping:

Anyone with a freezer full of beef and a Bar-B, is a friend of mine.
YAH BUDDY!! 420 pounds of BEEF. that is what is for diner for the year or more to come. DAMN the steaks look good even frozen!
