now here's a guy who knows how to throw a bike around!!!

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bowen Island, BC
I've never seen such a collection of impressive stunts pulled off on two wheels.

Enjoy the video ladies and gents - and hats off to you Danny! Gon yirsel Son!

I love this kinda stuff. I wish I had more time to mountain bike myself. Not necessarily like THIS, but in general. Fun way to stay in shape and great scenery.


[EDIT] - Shoulda watched the video. It's actually a trials mountain bike (no gears, low seat so you can use your legs as shock absorbers, really sturdy rims and tires and whatnot). Still amazing, and something I'd love to learn to do, but I don't have the time. I don't have enough time to ride down a trail every week let alone perfect my hopping and tailwhip abilities . . . .

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Dayam! The boy definitely has a different perception of gravity! No rules as to where he can't ride.

And I noticed that he's smart enough to realize that a helmet and gloves are required.

Thanks for the entertainment!

I can do that on the FeeJ blind folded! NOT!

That was absolutely incredible! I have never seen such skill on a bike. The impact he takes on some of those landings is amazing. How does the bike hold up?

That was totally amazing!

oh to be young again. kid sure does have some mad skills, his parents must have some kind of hospital card to git him to the front of the emerg. room line. kinda like frequ. fliier?

Back when I was racing mountain bikes, Hans Ray was the best at that sort of stuff. This guy seems to have brought it to another level. Great stuff.

This is one of the sad outcomes of growing up in a concrete covered city. If this guy had grown up properly in the country, just think of how he could have used his talent. I can only imagine that he would have made an amazing turkey hunter. Or bass fisherman. Instead, he tools around on two wheels all day long. Sad.
