Wouldn't it be nice to double the fjr's horsepower and shed some of that obesity from it ....ah, fun to dream.
Imagine what that sucker would sound like.
I'm thinkin' smell :good:
You can buy 'scent additive' to add to your fuel tank -- or just put in a small amount of good ol' "R" bean-oil.
As to 2-strokes..., there are many reasons we don't have 2-strokes today -- but, performance isn't one of them..!
But, be careful what you wish for -- the hoary old Kawi H-2 (750) just loved to do full-throttle work (it detested poking along at part-throttle). If you could go up-hill all-day it'd be happy (think big/powerful chain-saw in a log) -- now, imagine even bigger (1100cc)? The 400cc KH 400 triple was my all-around favorite -- a good 100 MPH top speed and smooth and docile elsewhere.
Although the 3-cylinder 2-cycle acts like (balance-wise) an in-line six 4-cycle, and is very nice in that regard -- things like cylinder porting have serious drawbacks (see photo in link, first post). All those "holes" in the cylinder wall don't support anything and the area of the wall near them wears much faster than general other areas of the cylinder. Lots of rapid cylinder wear -- especially, in high-perf. 2-strokes (lots of big "holes").
The magneto CDI (another pic from first post link) is a nice way to do ignition -- Kawasaki eventually opted for similar. One Kawi iteration on the mid-years H-1 (500) had 3 sets of points on the end of the crankshaft -- that was a horrible set-up.
Still, you haven't really tasted
performance until you cracked the throttle WFO on a high-performance 2-stroke -- hang on..!